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Struggling as an Engineering Student? Read This

There’s a rainbow always after the rain.

(Source: Tumblr)

Struggling as an Engineering Student? It’s a Good Sign

Ever had those days where you feel like everything is upon your shoulders and can’t seem to stand up because of the stress you get from studying engineering? Of course you had. While it seems like you’re in the best position to give it all up, just don’t. Take the struggles as a good sign that you are actually learning something.

What most engineering students do not realize is that what you feel as a burden right now are essential requisites of successful engineers who will become the best in the field. Those struggles that you experience during college will reflect later on when you’ve become an engineer in your own field. You can say in the future, “Yes, I have been in this situation before. I know my way out of this.” As compared to those engineers who are yet to discover the struggles, they will crawl their way to find a solution that you have ready in your pocket. The earlier the test is given to you, the earlier you mature as an engineer. And that’s actually a good thing.

Struggling Engineering Student (Source: Giphy)

To become an engineer is not at all an easy task. I’m sure by now you’ve had your share of engineering being so difficult. Think about those days and reflect on it: if you didn’t go through those difficult days, could you have been a better engineering student or engineer right now? No. I’m not saying that it can’t be done in easier ways, but when it’s acquired from an experience that almost got you giving up, that’s where you see your growth. You can see the difference. You learn so much more.

Struggling Engineering Student (Source: Tumblr)

Some may argue that others get successful without looking so stressed at all. Trust me when I say that they just know how to hide the stress that they are going through. They look fine on the surface, but on the inside, they are even probably more stressed than you are. They are just best in concealing their struggles with optimism, which is pretty much what I’m fighting for here.

Do you honestly think that the greatest engineers in history had their successes on a silver platter? I don’t think so. Become like them by looking past those struggles and think of them as your catapults to success. Without those struggles, you wouldn’t be the best engineer you could be someday. Focus on how those struggles can help you instead of pulling you down. The feeling of being burdened is temporary, but the learning you can get from it will mark as permanent.

Struggling Engineering Student (Source: We Heart It)

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Emmanuel Stalling
Emmanuel Stalling is software engineer, technical writer, online philosopher, aspiring novelist, part-time ninja, and fan of hard science fiction. Based in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Struggling as an Engineering Student? Read This

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