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Engineering Mistake: Why Taking Engineering was the BEST Mistake I Ever Made

Sometimes the most challenging parts of your life tend to be the ones that make you stronger

“Preferred Major: ______________” The form said… and the journey of my long engineering mistake started.

I still remembered how confused I was when I was signing up for a university, and I remembered how loud my sigh was when I filled in the form with my chosen college course.

“Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering”

This Engineering Mistake was my Favorite Mistake (Source: Giphy)

It wasn’t my decision actually, it was my mother’s choice—and we really didn’t have much of a choice. I never liked math and sciences. Sure I came from a science high school and have good grades in both fields, but I never enjoyed them. I actually really wanted to get a course in Multimedia Arts, since my passion was always with that field. Unfortunately, my college scholarship didn’t allow me to get any non-STEM related course. My mom suggested I take engineering since according to her, it was the course that could give me a good future. I chose Electronics and Communications Engineering as a major, because it had the longest title—yes, I was young and didn’t know what I was getting myself into. (Please don’t judge me) and so, I started my journey as an engineering student.

This Engineering Mistake was my Favorite Mistake (Source: Giphy)

Being an engineering was no joke! During my first and second year, my grades were alright and I managed to enter the Dean’s List. Everything was normal, until I entered my 3rd year where majoring subjects began to slowly crush me. From basic electronics to DC/AC circuits, from basic communications to radios. I was overwhelmed, and got my fair share of failed subjects. This was a big blow for me, after all it was my first time to fail a subject. “Engineering was a big mistake.” Was what I thought, when I stared at that pink form containing my failing grades.

This Engineering Mistake was my Favorite Mistake (Source: Giphy)

After some time dwelling on my student life, I decided not to give up on the course. I realized that somehow, being in engineering grew on me—and that the reason why I was so hurt was because I already learned to love engineering. I wasn’t going to quit. I began to study more, go on group studies with friends—whether it was a productive one or ended up in drinking sessions. I began to be more interested in my course. I finally passed my failed subjects and never had a failing subject ever since. I delved in robotics and enjoyed group projects.

This Engineering Mistake was my Favorite Mistake (Source: Giphy)

Then it came, the time every engineering student has been waiting for—graduation. As I walked on the stage and got my diploma, tears started to well up in my eyes.

I’m finally here.

I remember telling myself that engineering was a big mistake. Well if it really was a mistake, then

“Engineering was the best mistake I’ve ever made”

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Engineering Mistake: Why Taking Engineering was the BEST Mistake I Ever Made

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