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The Pros And Cons of Space Tourism

Looking at the pros and cons of opening up space tourism to the public

Space exploration is a contentious subject. While most people believe that exploring space is a good concept, many believe that space exploration could lead to humanity’s extinction in the long run.

Since Barron Hilton, then-president of Hilton Hotels, presented his concept for a hotel on the moon in 1967, space tourism has come a long way with the innovations in space technology. It was designed as a luxury for the wealthy elite, equipped with a Galaxy Lounge where visitors sip a martini while gazing at the stars. Today, Virgin Galactic, founded by Sir Richard Branson, intends to be the world’s first commercial spaceline, offering a 2.5-hour ride with six minutes of weightlessness and breathtaking sights. It has over 700 confirmed consumers who are eagerly awaiting flights.

However, many others believe space exploration is a bad thing and that it will ultimately have a negative impact on the environment. Today, we will look at both sides of the argument so that you can make an educated decision.

For Space Travel

New Resources – One significant benefit of space exploration is that it allows humanity to tap into additional resources in space. Many of us are aware that our fossil resources will be depleted sooner or later. Our technological progress will be severely hampered when we run out of natural resources. As a result, if we want to keep progressing as a species and advance our technologies, the additional resources collected from asteroids are critical.

Economic Growth – Space tourism provides a new means to strengthen the global economy and provide another outlet for adrenaline seekers. According to a survey published by the World Travel & Tourism Council, tourism created $7.2 trillion (9.8% of global GDP) and 284 million jobs in 2015, accounting for one out of every eleven jobs on the planet. Thus, there’s reason to anticipate that commercial space travel will have a similar economic impact. These figures have probably grown since this survey was conducted, although they would have been significantly impacted over the last year due to the current pandemic.

Forecasting Dangers – The universe is a vast world with hidden hazards hiding in practically every corner. Even if you merely glance at our solar system, there are asteroid and comet threats that might wreak havoc on our world if they collide. Exploring space allows us to identify these threats ahead of time, allowing us to plan an encounter that will help to save our species.

Against Space Travel

Increased Pollution – Aside from the numerous benefits of space exploration, space travel still has some concerns. One key issue with space research, for example, is that it entails enormous air pollution. Launching a rocket necessitates a considerable amount of fossil fuels. Furthermore, large amounts of fossil fuels must be used to manufacture rockets. As a result, space flight causes enormous air pollution, and individuals who live near these facilities, particularly those who live close to them, may suffer significantly from the pollutants in the air.

Health Risks – Apart from mishaps that result in death, humans must contend with severe conditions and adapt to an unpleasant environment harmful to their health. Long periods spent in zero gravity can be hazardous to a person’s cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. People who are unintentionally exposed to high-energy ionizing cosmic rays may get cancer.

Testing Hazards – Several organizations are working on space tourism packages that will transport people to the very outer layers in a pleasant aircraft, but this is not an exploration activity. At the moment, astronauts are strapped into a vehicle hooked to a massive rocket to break free from gravity’s grip. Over 20 people have died in the line of duty in advancing US space program goals, beginning with Theodore Freeman, who was killed in the crash of a T-38 in October 1964.


Explorers are always at risk, and space is no exception. Humans were not designed for the vacuum of space. Therefore, we must continually adapt and defend ourselves when we are outside of our atmosphere. Thus, the benefits and drawbacks of space exploration must be considered from a practical standpoint.

As space exploration boosts the economy, it also raises our awareness of how uncommon and valuable our planet is. The feeling of amazement and respect that comes with leaving Earth’s atmosphere and looking back on our world is palpable. When they return to terra firma, space travelers will ideally have a greater appreciation for our planet and a desire to take a more active role in maintaining it. The industry has a long way to go and many hurdles to overcome if they wish to win the naysayers over. However, it is making significant strides, and I am excited to see where it is heading.


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The Pros And Cons of Space Tourism

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