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Using Technology to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

Here are some ingenious tech solutions against the coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus Pandemic


Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and getting rid of the virus, saving lives and resuming normalcy is of paramount interest. In the same vein, modern problems require modern solutions. Regarding the virus, and a relatively new one at that, the best bet for its eradication is not community quarantines or social distancing (their role is to prevent further spread) but rather the technological advancements engineered by human ingenuity.

If not for the effective and advanced technology solutions, the people would have been caught in the middle of an unmanageable crisis brought about by COVID-19. By mobilizing all available resources and utilizing the latest technological advancements, the world is able to mitigate the effects of the virus to an extent and has profiled people at risk.

Here are some ingenious solutions against the coronavirus pandemic that make use of technology.

The first is positioning technologies which are used to see global hotspots of the virus thanks to global navigation satellite systems. Satellite monitoring also complements positioning technologies to see where in the world are safe zones where medical facilities can be constructed.

The second integral piece of technology is robotics and drones. These lifeless machines serve multiple purposes from the mundane to the critical such as resource delivery and citywide disinfection. They do their job without the risk of infection provided they are cleaned thereafter. Still, their usefulness in the midst of the crisis cannot be denied.

Lastly, big data and facial recognition, while morally debatable, is medically practical. The ability to determine COVID-positive individuals and their travel history is needed by experts around the world in order to halt the spread of COVID-19.

Technology is truly a marvelous thing. More so if they are used as tools against a life-threatening pandemic by kindhearted individuals, frontliners, and medical experts.


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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Using Technology to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

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