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Engineers: Make Everyday a Happy Day

Choose to be happy!

Every single day is a happy day.

Ever thought of how Joy of Inside Out manages to be the character she is? Joy, as the name implies, is the happiness-driven aspect of Riley’s mind. Well yes, she is a fictional character. But her role in the award-winning film gives us some pondering on how important it is to radiate happiness despite of the emotional diversity that is the different moods lurking in our minds.

Every single day is a happy day for Mark (Source: Pinterest)

There is no such thing as absolute happiness, as the movie puts it, as there will always be things that we cannot control. But every time we lose such control, remember that it takes only fewer muscles to smile than to remain frowning. Let that ‘Joy’ inside your mind do her work and leave ‘Sadness’ and the rest in the corner.

Every single day is a happy day for Brad (Source: Giphy)

Remaining sad is such a chore, but being happy is how we turn things around. Here are some of the best habits to make everyday a happy day:

Manage the days when you are down.

Every single day is a happy day (Source: Giphy)

Days that you are not feeling good enough or everything just seems to go from bad to worse are happiness killers. It feels like you are sliding in a downward spiral and you can’t seem to get up.

But that’s a wrong mindset. If you start to feel that way, take a step out before that experience will swallow you whole. If you can change things, take action. Do something that helps to calm or comfort you, or something that will cheer you up.

Do not believe everything you think.

Every single day is a happy day for Oprah (Source: Giphy)

As everyone says, it is all in the mind. That’s true. Your mind will tell you what and how to think on it no matter what the situation is. But some days, our mind just makes up things that weren’t even there, which will create some sort of frustration and wipe out that happiness.

Learn to train your mind in finding the good things from bad moments and experiences. Dwell on that.

Keep what makes you happy.

Every single day is a happy day for Will (Source: 1Live)

One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to surround yourself with happy things. Every single item around you should remind you to be happy and do not let these things go.

Happiness is an infectious emotion so you will need happy people in your life as well, not only things. Be with friends that will give you a good laugh, will provide you with happy moments. Share happy memories with them.

Think about what went well.

Every single day is a happy day (Source: Tumblr)

Make this a nightly habit before you go to sleep: think of what went well with your day. You may list it down, but it is okay that you will just remember them. It will take not more than 10 minutes for this mental exercise but it will give you some sort of satisfaction and comfort before you sleep.

Do this regularly and you will see a development with your mood. You will choose more to be happy.


Every single day is a happy day (Source: Tumblr)

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky in The How Happiness, up to 40 per cent of our happiness is within our power to change. If you read this with a heavy heart and still haven’t found that bright rays of sunshine, you are entirely in control of that.

Be grateful. Take responsibility. Blame less. Learn to forgive. Smile more. All these little things will transform you to a much better person if you let happiness absorb you.

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Patricia Eldridge
Patricia took her MBA in London, UK. She's a model, actress, blogger and a copywriter. Her boyfriend is an overworked and underpaid engineer.

Engineers: Make Everyday a Happy Day

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