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Wireless Electricity Now a Reality

Engineers are now paving the way for the production of wireless electricity with the use of microwaves.

Wireless electricity

Japanese scientists have been able to discover a new source of energy for mankind that will be helpful in the near future. And guess what it is… Wireless Electricity!

Electric power that is transmitted with the help of microwaves.

Source: Giphy

These Japanese scientists who belong to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) have successfully used microwaves for the production of power amounting to almost 1.8 kilowatts pinpointing to a target in the air that is away from the source by fifty-five meters.

This was the first time that the agency has been able to generate such huge amount of power. The target is also very small. The power is generated with the help of directivity control system.

Source: Ludic Science

The energy created is capable of running an appliance like an electric kettle. However, the distance is not large enough. This is a huge step in the world of energy resources. The success of the experiment means that the renewable energy resources like solar energy can now be collected from space to be transmitted to earth.

The International Space Station and other satellites of the earth have been able to collect the energy and use it for the maintenance of their work. The primary benefit arising out of the generation of solar power in space is that it will be available all the time no matter what time of the day.

JAXA has been working on this for quite some years now. The project has been named Space Solar Power System. The aim of this awesome project is to develop a solar power plant that will be based in the space system. This power plant will then generate electricity through the collection of sunlight along the geostationary orbit. Don’t get too excited though. Science and technology will take some time to reach the point of transmitting solar energy to earth.

Source: Ludic Science

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Engr. Maryam Khalid
Mechanical engineer living in Dubai. Blogger, writer and tech nerd. Love Dubai, love earth, love social good stuff. Follow me on Twitter @maryamkhalid95

Wireless Electricity Now a Reality

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