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5 Wearables Other than Smartwatch Gadgets

Beware smartwatches, you might just be replaced by these awesome wearables

Wearables other than smartwatches


Smartwatches have become so common that we think they are the only wearables that are so significant. But now, we already have high-tech underwears, accelerometers below the knee, temperature-adjusted footwear, rings that evaluate fertility periods, and skin patches that measure ultraviolet light.



The first wearable designed for women, OMBra does what smartphones usually can do: track heart rate, calories burned and distance traveled. It also tracks breathing patterns, level of fatigue and even effort levels. This idea was conceived by OMSignal.

The initial bra with hardware a good cost of $150. Additional pieces can be ordered at $60 a piece.



Source: Quell Relief Wearables

This device of NeutroMetrix is worn below the knee, designed to alleviate pain without using drugs, as it blocks pain receptors at a touch of a button. It also has an accelerometer which tracks user’s activity level; and a tracker of your sleeping patterns which data is sent via Bluetooth to a smartphone app.

It is commercially available on NeuroMetrix’s website and over the counter for $250.



Having cold feet during the winter wouldn’t be so much of a problem now with this pair of shoes that can keep your feet warm. Digitsole has a temperature regulator which can be adjusted using a phone app.

But if you are a fashionista worried of design, do not fret because the footwear has a variety of designs – from a pair of Air Jordan to heeled shoes.

To be commercially available by Fall 2016, a pair will cost you $450.




As the name suggests, this wearable is only fit for women who wants to know when you are most fertile and likely to conceive a child. It is inserted in the vagina, and throughout the menstrual cycle, it tracks the body’s core temperature.

It is already approved by European CE but VivoSensMedical GmbH still waits for FDA approval. It will be sold into two packages, $276 for a 3-month pack and $520 for an annual pack.



UV Patch

Source: L’Oreal Wearables

Designed by L’Oreal, this medical wearable is a skin sensor that measures the amount of ultraviolet light received by the skin, which measures about a square inch on all sides.

It will be available under the La Roche-Posay brand, for an amount of – guess what – none, because it will be free to consumers.

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Engr Eva Allanigue
Chemical Engineering graduate with a passion in writing weird stuff at GineersNow. Official globe-trotter with luxury luggage, bags & accessories. Follow me on Linkedin

5 Wearables Other than Smartwatch Gadgets

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