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This Aircraft Seat Has an Embedded Air Conditioning System

It was designed to make passengers a lot more comfortable.

HVAC companies constantly innovate, intersecting different industries with the various applications of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Now, a company has developed a business class seat that has an embedded air conditioning system.

Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in Germany, together with its partner Gentherm, maker of the first thermoelectrically heated and cooled seat system for the automotive industry, made what they call as the Aviation Double Seat.

The seat features a combination of seat ventilation through fans and thermal regulation by seat heating. The result is a seat surface with an optimal temperature control plus continuous moisture removal, providing comfortable and dry climate against the back of the passengers.

With this kind of research on aircraft seat, we will be seated a lot more comfortably during flights. Stock photo

Such innovation will be displayed at the ILA Berlin 2018 on April 25, a technology show in innovation and leadership in aerospace. No further details were given by Fraunhofer on when it will launch.

This project was born out of the iSPACE, or Innovative Systems for Personalized Aircraft Cabin Environment, which was funded by the European Union. Other than Fraunhofer, nine more European partners were included to develop technologies that will enhance the comfort of passengers and enable them to adjust their personal indoor environment as well as to adapt the temperature and airflow to suit their personal needs.

Much of the research work at Fraunhofer is in the development of making aircrafts a lot healthier and more comfortable through ecological and economical means. That includes finding ways to manage the indoor climate in aircraft, hence the Aviation Double Seat.


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This Aircraft Seat Has an Embedded Air Conditioning System

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