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Android 8.0 is Named After a Cookie

Android O is coming to handsets soon.

A few months ago, Google said that the newest version of Android will be Android O. Some speculated that the “O” will be Oatmeal Cookie, or maybe Orangina, because it was always named after a sweet treat.

And recently, the tech company revealed that the O meant Oreo. It follows the last version which is Nougat.

Officially the name of the Android 8.0, Android O was designed to improve battery life. The new Google software limits the activity of apps running in the background, and instead focuses on location updates, broadcasts, and background services. This is supposedly to make your phone last longer.

Photo via Android Central

Not only that, Oreo was created to help Android devices power up faster and handle lots of notifications from apps. It also introduces a snooze function and allows users to prioritize which alerts should appear first over others.

It also features keyboard suggestions based on copied text. The software is so smart that it guesses which text the users might want to copy in an app.

Video streaming is also optimized in the newest version of Android. With Oreo, there will be a shrunken video window which hovers over another app, which lets the users to continue watching clips.

Google also made Oreo in the audio aspect by adding new audio codecs. This is to improve the sound quality of music through wireless speakers and headphones.

The question now is: when should we expect for this to be released?

Photo via 9to5 Google

While the developer preview of Android O has been available for some time, it is not its full version yet which is prone to damaging our devices and wiping the data in them.

Sameer Samat, the company’s VP of product management for Android and Google Play, said in a blog post, “We’ve also been working closely with our partners, and by the end of this year, hardware makers including Essential, General Mobile, HMD Global Home of Nokia Phones, Huawei, HTC, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sharp and Sony are scheduled to launch or upgrade devices to Android 8.0 Oreo.”

He added that any devices enrolled in the Android Beta Program will also receive the final version.

It is not surprising though that Google handsets Pixel and Nexus devices will receive the first updates of Oreo.

Source: Independent UK

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Android 8.0 is Named After a Cookie

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