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You Can Now Cook Bacon in a Toaster

The Bacon Express is heaven sent for bacon lovers.

The world of culinary arts has three common ways to cook bacon: fry, ovenheat, or broil it. But Nostalgia Electrics thinks of something else with great use of innovation: toast it. 

Source: Giphy

Bread is perhaps the only food that gets cooked in a toaster, but not anymore. The company specially engineered The Bacon Express just to cook slices of pork.

It cooks bacon vertically, able to cook six slices at a time. That way, all the fat gets dripped away making the bacon extra crispy and a little more healthy as well.

Source: Giphy

A pair of doors of the toaster seal the heat and grease inside. Maybe that’s the main design difference of this bacon toaster from the bread toaster, as in the latter, you only need to tuck a slice of bread and you are good to go.

But there are similarities too. Like the bread toaster, this countertop cooker has a dial on the side which allows you to control the cooking times, and a tray at the bottom which collects the grease drippings. It has settings for preheating the plate too, to toast thin and thick-cut bacon.

Source: Nostalgia Electrics

There is also no need to flip the pork as The Bacon Express cooks both sides.

Cleaning the Bacon Express is fairly easy, with its non-stick cooking plate and insulated door liners easily removed.

Bacon lovers can have their new morning bestfriend for only $40.

Source: Nostalgia Electrics

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You Can Now Cook Bacon in a Toaster

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