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This Chatbot Teaches Children to be Safe Online

Meet Oyoty, a chatbot that helps you keep your children safe whenever they’re sharing content on different social networks.

Meet Oyoty, a chatbot that helps you keep your children safe whenever they’re sharing content on different social networks. It’s designed for children aged up to 12 years old who are active on social media. This app can be linked to a child’s social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Source: iTunes

Source: Techcrunch

The goal of this app is to educate children to be more aware of what they are sharing online, according to the founder and CEO Deepak Tewari. The bot will be intervening as a conversation wherein the child actively participates in the decision making process by choosing pre-set answers. The team also worked with Catherin Knibbs, a UK child psychologist to format the conversation content.

“Oyoty is the first of its kind personal safety assistant for children using the combination of deep learning and chatbot technology that both empowers and educates children to be safe,” Tewari said. “Oyoty looks out for personal data or inappropriate content on children’s social network posts. If it detects such content it a) highlights and explains the problem to the child and b) helps them take immediate action like delete that content.”

Source: Laura Wacrenier

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This Chatbot Teaches Children to be Safe Online

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