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Convert Kinetic Energy From Friction Into Electricity

Come on baby light my fire and charge my phone


Kinetic Energy

The discovery of fire was one of the earliest human discoveries. It was a major turning point in the cultural aspect of human evolution, because it allowed our early ancestors to cook food, obtain warmth & protection, fend off dangerous wild animals, and generally live a more comfortable and sustainable life. Today, electricity is as important as fire was to our early ancestors, in that it powers almost all the vital operations of this world.

Source: Ramon Marc
Source: Ramon Marc

We have indeed come a long way since the early humans feverishly twirled and rubbed twigs to create fire. Today, with a flick of a switch, electricity is delivered when and where we need it; information is within a few clicks away, and the world has virtually become borderless. But, have you ever stopped for a moment and imagined what we’d do (and how we’d ever survive) if we were to get disconnected from the comforts modern technologies? Is it true that the same technological advances that liberated us from the confines of primitiveness binds us with the shackles of dependency?

They say mobile devices have made us location-independent, like nomads. But, powering our mobile devices requires us to be in an exact location where a source of power is, shackling us to a specific place. Ironic, isn’t it?

Zurich University Arts Student Ramon Marc Zolliker designs a solution to what could be one of our major preoccupations: charging our mobile phones. Dubbed as IMTI, the wooden monolithic mobile charger generates power while you roll the spindle between your palms (reminiscent of how the caveman used to create fire). IMTI contains a drill chuck, or opening, that can be used with any “fire drill” that power a connected device, such as a mobile phone.

Video Source: Nils Edison

With IMTI, Zolliker marries that past and the future, the primitive and modern, the ritualistic and the ordinary. “Through our smart phones, we are free and never alone,” says Zolliker. “Mankind can become nomadic again while our devices are our most valuable companions…. Charging our batteries is now essential. The act of charging becomes our ritual. Now we can set ourselves free.”

Kinetic Energy in Dubai, Kinetic Energy in UAE, Kinetic Energy in Philippines, Kinetic Energy in Singapore, Kinetic Energy in China

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Emmanuel Stalling
Emmanuel Stalling is software engineer, technical writer, online philosopher, aspiring novelist, part-time ninja, and fan of hard science fiction. Based in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Convert Kinetic Energy From Friction Into Electricity

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