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Don’t Buy… Make Your Own! Dedicated Nitrogen Generation Systems in Offshore

The use of nitrogen in the offshore oil and gas industry has a decades-long history, and continues to play an integral role in the day-to-day operations aboard mobile offshore drilling units, FPSO’s, and drill ships around the world. 

The use of nitrogen in the offshore oil and gas industry has a decades-long history, and continues to play an integral role in the day-to-day operations aboard mobile offshore drilling units, FPSO’s, and drill ships around the world.  Many applications, such as the blanketing or inerting of storage tanks aboard FPSO’s, or the charging of subsea blowout preventer (BOP) accumulators, revolve around safety; others, like the drying of coiled tubing to prevent corrosion resulting from long-term moisture exposure, serve largely economic concerns.  Without nitrogen, completing these tasks would come at increased operational risk and result in greater costs for operators.

We have come up with a solution to meet the requirements of ‘Onsite Nitrogen Generation’. We have maintained the flexibility to produce the Nitrogen. For e.g. if customer has low pressure air source available on site, we would supply skid for the membranes and booster with optional Nitrogen storage tank with 5000 psi storage pressure, 98% purity.

In case the low pressure pure air is not available on site, our complete integrated solution will be the best option even in offshore conditions. Some distinctive features we offer on SNG II are

  • User-friendly Interactive touch-screen interface Pre-programmed maintenance alerts
  • ROI approximately 2 years and even less for extensive uses.
  • Confirms continuous availability of gas at high pressure.

For some applications, like blanketing or inerting, the nitrogen is required at low pressure of 2 bar. For such requirements, our modular option NGM will be a best fit.


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Don’t Buy… Make Your Own! Dedicated Nitrogen Generation Systems in Offshore

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