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Dubai 3D Printed Office

The “Office of the Future”

Dubai 3D printed office, the world’s first.

We’ve heard about a lot of 3D printing tech this year. From food, to brick-laying, 3d printing is hoping to do it all. Dubai, however, did not want to stick to just that, instead, they took it to a whole new level. Dubai opens the doors of its first functional, 2,700 sq ft, single story office space for ‘international’ business meetings.

Dubai 3D printed office (Source: Architectural Digest)

The “Office of the Future” is said to house meetings only for international delegates and government officials. It will also house the Dubai Future Foundation, helping it to achieve its goal of solving society’s biggest challenges. It was fully furnished by Austrian office furniture company, Bene, which filled the room with state-of-the-art office equipment.

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Dubai 3D Printed Office

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