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Why Every Busy Engineer Needs To Take These Vitamins

If you are a busy engineer who's always on the go and has a heavy work load, it’s important to take vitamins (or eat vitamin-rich foods).

When you’re always on the go, you often forget to eat the proper meals you should take or even get enough sleep for your body and mind to rest. It’s understandable. Busy engineers often have deadlines to beat and the stress of one’s working environment will make one’s health less of a priority compared to getting the job done.

Unfortunately, the negative effects of stress will often catch up on those who forget to take care of themselves. If you’re one of those busy engineers who has a heavy work load, it’s important to take vitamins (or eat vitamin-rich foods). Not only that, you also have to be cautious of your diet and start limiting the amount of less healthy foods you eat. Here are the vitamins every busy engineer must take:

Vitamin C

We’ve all heard doctors and our moms remind us to take Vitamin C to avoid getting sick. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, handling stress is easier if you increase your intake of vitamin C. The medical center recommends 500 to 3000 milligrams of vitamin C should help those who are always stressed or busy. However, if you develop diarrhea, you should lower the dose. Vitamin C can be taken as a supplement or can be found in common fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, broccoli, red and green peppers and strawberries.

B Vitamins

There will be times when we feel the blues at work or in our personal lives. When stress takes a toll on us, we often run out of motivation and feel depressed. According to, having low levels of B vitamins such as B-12, B-6 and folate may be the reason why you’re feeling depressed. Change your poor diet by eating more vitamin-rich foods such as beans, milk, green leafy vegetables, poultry and eggs. Consult with your doctor as well and ask if it’s necessary for you to take vitamin supplements.

Vitamin D

To avoid experiencing anxiety, include animal products that are rich in Vitamin D in your diet. These include beef, cheese, eggs and fish such as tuna and salmon. Adding mushrooms or taking vitamin D as a supplement also helps as well. The National Institutes of Health suggests to take in 600 international units per day.

It’s always best to have a healthy diet when you’re always busy at work. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein in every meal. Instead of drinking caffeinated drinks, choose water instead. Caffeinated drinks may give you anxiety and trouble sleeping. Refined foods like white bread and white sugar is not also good for you as it may leave you feeling more lazy at work. 

Source: SF Gate


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Why Every Busy Engineer Needs To Take These Vitamins

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