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Could Engineers in Japan Be the First to Make Flying Cars a Viable Public Transport Option?

They wish to use a prototype of their flying car in lighting the Olympic flame in 2020, being Tokyo as the summer games’ host.

Air transportation includes airplanes, jets, and helicopters. Soon, there will be a new addition in this transportation mode: flying cars.

What was just a thing of fictional works is now a step closer in being realized.  At least real humans could soon relate to the family members of The Jetsons, who regular use flying cars in the cartoon series.

Japan, among others, is leading the world in this concept. A group of 30 engineers are working hard in developing what they call as the Skydrive car, outside Toyota city in central Japan.

Carmaker Toyota has backed the ambitious project with a little more than $350,000.

Skydrive uses drone technology with three wheels and four rotors. The jet-propelled vehicle measures 2.9 meters by 1.3 meters, making it the world’s smallest flying car. It can operate at a maximum speed of 62mph and can go as high as 10 meters above the ground.

As Tokyo is set to host the Olympics in 2020, Skydrive’s engineers based in Japan are hoping that their prototype will be used to light the Olympic flame. But they estimate to have their first test flight come the end of 2018.

Source: Cartivator

It’s not only Japan that is looking at flying cars as the transportation of the future. US, China, Germany and the Netherlands have their own attempts towards making them possible.

Source: BBC

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Could Engineers in Japan Be the First to Make Flying Cars a Viable Public Transport Option?

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