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Wearable Tech that Tracked Audience Responses to The Revenant

Hollywood studios think they need to know the responses via smart bands.

The Revenant (source: Giphy)

There was a wearable that was put to some audiences of the movie The Revenant. Like all the other wearables, this was used to detect the audience’s response, while watching the said movie. The movie’s distributor, 20th Century Fox, found it necessary to turn into the wearable technology to bolster how the movie was marketed.

The Revenant wearable tech band
The Revenant wearable tech band (image source: Giphy)

Lightwave, a company that specializes in analyzing biometric data for corporate clients, tracked how the audience reacted to the movie via an unspecified wearable, capable of tracking heart rate, and skin moisture and movement to chart the emotional response up to the very end of the movie. Data collected was processed to the infographic given.

The Revenant Metrics (Source:

Not surprisingly, the data showed the right reaction for a Alejandro G. Iñárritu masterpiece. Like Birdman and Babel, the bestowed upon emotional valleys and peaks into the films’ narrative. The attack, betrayal, salvation, escape and revenge aspects of the movie showed in the graph by its viewers’ reacting just right.

Soon, Lightwave will dominate all activities that needs evaluation of user-experiences in a product. When you know you are being tested, you can barely fake it – your heart will race when you are excited, and your palms sweat when you are nervous – and data will show just that.

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Wearable Tech that Tracked Audience Responses to The Revenant

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