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What To Expect In The Telecom Sector This 2017

With more demands for better services from our telecom companies, what can we expect this 2017?

Another year has gone by and here we are, at awe with what 2016 gave us. It’s been a challenging  year for most of us but what has it been for the telecom industry? With more mobile devices glued to our hands as the year progressed, the more demands there were for stronger connections for video streaming, mobile interactions, payments and even the Internet of Things (IoT). Our connection to our mobile devices became stronger – if you think about it,as soon as we wake up, we reach for it to check what we missed while we were sleeping.

With more demands for better services from our telecom companies, what can we expect this 2017? 

Source: EAI Blog


4G out and say hello to 5G! It’s going to be the rise of the fifth generation mobile networks. While not everyone may get its coverage, expect faster speed, better efficiency and less latency as soon as 5G is connected to your devices. While it may have been introduced earlier already, expect companies to offer it commercially on new technology within the year.

Over-The-Top Service 

Network operators will feel the pressure this 2017 as people will start to demand more boost in OTT adoption and consumption.


Data breach has been common for most companies that’s why tighter security will be added to the ones who can afford it. Network operators and telcos are pressured to protect the data for top companies and do whatever it takes to prevent attacks from hackers and terrorists. Expect in 2017, telcos will be more focused on setting up holistic network security. Encryption transition will also shift towards a more pervasive technology.

Source: LinkedIn

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What To Expect In The Telecom Sector This 2017

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