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The Importance of Flashlights for Police During Philippine Elections

Each Police and Armed Forces in the Philippines Should Own At least One Pelican RALS

Philippine elections is just a few weeks away.

Law enforcement officers deal with many different tasks every day. Policemen need to prepare for any eventuality. While patrolling or responding to calls, they would encounter various circumstances that could be odd or dangerous at times. We see policemen everywhere and they respond to almost all types of situations. They are always on call to everything that citizens need.

One crucial event wherein policemen have an important role is during elections. As we all know, there are risky scenarios during this time due to the heated competition between political candidates. Aside from high-profile politicians, policemen also need to ensure the safety of the civilians especially that there are people who belong to certain groups supporting a particular candidate. Their loyalty could sometimes lead to fights and altercations as they defend their supported political aspirants or well-known solons.

Because of that, carrying equipment or gear that minimizes officer risk and civilian safety is critical in the performance of police operations. Apart from handguns, a quality flashlight that withstands the rigors of law enforcement work is also essential, especially during elections.

This is where Pelican Remote Area Lighting Systems (RALS) and Pelican Flashlights comes in. These lighting products can help deter and shoo away criminals since it has wide coverage. It can also help brighten up the streets when accidents happen during the night. But this is even more important during election months.

Why the Police Needs Flashlight During Election

Elections are always full of tension. In the Philippines, the streets are full of tarpaulins while vehicles roam around playing jiggles for a particular candidate. People are all involved and aware of what their favorite candidate did and what he or she could eventually offer to the masses. But the real tension happens during election day. The presence of law enforcers is more significant especially that fights, crimes, theft of ballots, and brownouts are likely to occur.

Let us tackle on one of the main problems during an election which is power interruptions. In many instances, power outage happens during the counting of votes, which is the most crucial part of the election. Aside from generators, flashlights are also a big help to continue counting the ballots and to avoid the loss or theft of ballot boxes or voting machines. This would be a big help since some power outage lasts for about 12 hours.

When this happens, Pelican Remote Area Lighting Systems will be very handy since it can light up an entire room. While generators can provide electricity to voting machines, RALS can brighten the room, making it easier for every citizen to cast their votes.

In some cases, precinct officers resort to paper ballots instead of using the machine. A well-lighted room would also be needed for this situation and a portable lighting system is the perfect solution to that. Apart from making the vote casting easier, these lights can also help the police spot people who have negative intentions as they take advantage of the situation.

Other Ways the Police Could Use RALS and Tactical Flashlights

Aside from the election proper in different locations, Pelican Remote Area Lighting System (RALS) and Tactical Flashlights can also be used in checkpoints to make sure that no illegal cargos or firearms are being transported. It is also an ideal item to use while patrolling the streets, especially that most streets in the Philippines are poorly lighted.


Although RALS are high-quality and durable, they are easy to transport from one place to another just like the 9430 Remote Area Lighting System and 9460 Remote Area Lighting System. These lights can go beyond what most people need in a flashlight. Apart from lighting up a huge area, it also has a long-lasting battery. It supports the law enforcer’s hands-free operation of weapons while targeting and illuminating a person under surveillance.

RALS could produce high-intensity light with its LED technology allowing the user to illuminate objects at significant distances. Because of its bright lights, it can temporarily blind a person who is directly exposed to its light beam and may also cause confusion to the assailants. In addition to that, this flashlight can be used as a signaling device.

Remote Area Lighting System are made from polycarbonate or polypropylene housings. Sometimes, it is combined with aluminum or glass-reinforced plastics. These materials withstand significant abuse and ensure performance regardless of how they are used. It is also interesting to note that these lights are water resistant, which makes it a valuable item in rescue operations during typhoon and flooding. In addition, RALS has rechargeable batteries that allow for constant charging. This feature keeps it available for maximum light output. It can even run up to 15 hours’ time.

On the other hand, two of the best Pelican flashlights are the 2350 Tactical Flashlight and 2360 Tactical Flashlight has 4 Selectable Programs with a lifetime guarantee. The 2360 Flashlight has 375 lumens while the 2350 Flashlight has 178 lumens. Constructed with the most durable of materials, an aerospace grade aluminum body and an impact resistant LED lamp module, the 2350 and 2360 LED flashlights keeps you on point without equipment failure.

Pelican RALS and tactical flashlights are available at Coby’s Gear and Gadget and Cobankiat Hardware, and can be delivered nationwide.

All of these aspects of Pelican RALS and flashlights sums up what policemen need: a lighting solution that withstands a variety of environmental conditions and illumination purposes. Election time or not, we would all agree that high-intensity illumination supports the safety of officers and citizens alike.


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The Importance of Flashlights for Police During Philippine Elections

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