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Germany Had to Pay People to use Power Due to Renewable Energy Surplus

All thanks to the overwhelming heat and powerful winds that hit Germany.

(Source: Spiegel)

Germany’s renewable energy is peaking!

If there’s one country that is way ahead of us when it comes to renewable energy, it would be Germany. Why? Because they are already paying people to use electricity!

The overwhelming heat and powerful winds enabled this in Germany to happen. The country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants provided 55 GW of the consumed 63 GW, which is about 87 per cent.

Source: Agora Energiewende

The power prices getting below zero for several hours, indicated that the commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity.

Source: Spiegel

Christoph Podewils of Agora Energiewende, a think tank and policy laboratory in Germany funded by the European Climate Foundation and the Stiftung Mercator, said, “We have a greater share of renewable energy every year. The power system adapted to this quite nicely. This day shows again that a system with large amounts of renewables works fine.”

This feat in renewables by Germany is good news especially that they plan to hit 100% renewable energy by 2050 – but ultimately a bad news for the gas power, nuclear and coal plants, as they have to be shut down.

Source: TheLipTV

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Germany Had to Pay People to use Power Due to Renewable Energy Surplus

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