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HVAC Tips to Help New Homeowners Maintain Indoor Air Quality

LG Air Solutions Provides a Smarter Way to Keep the Home Energy Efficient



When purchasing a home, new homeowners might feel overwhelmed with how to deal with the onslaught of responsibilities that come with maintaining a home. One of the things owners will need to get familiar with and understand in a new home is the HVAC system. Understanding the necessary maintenance required for a new HVAC system will help keep the home’s indoor air quality clean and heating or cooling units working properly. The first step is choosing which residential HVAC system if none is already installed. LG Air Conditioning Technologies is a leading player in the global air conditioning market, offering innovative residential air conditioners.

The LG Excellence Contractor Program includes a series of rigorous instructor-led training courses in LG’s great training facilities including the Advanced Training Academy in Jebal Ali, for hands on training to Contractors regarding products, installation, commissioning & controls. This allows contractors with an LG Excellence Contractor designation to learn all the best techniques and practices to install and service LG HVAC systems successfully. LG also gives homeowners the flexibility to get perfectly suited solutions for their home with a quality lineup of ducted and duct-free products combined with leading-edge controls.

Using an LG trusted professional contractor for home comfort solutions, is a guarantee that a professional installation and service support will be provided to ensure that the LG system is suitably installed. Once homeowners have the right HVAC system in place, follow these easy tips to maximize equipment life and increase power-savings:

  1. Cleaning the area around the cooling or heating unit: Dust or debris around the unit can lead to filter clogging and other damages. Keeping the area around the HVAC units clean ensures that it works efficiently and has a longer lifetime.
  2. Pay attention to ductwork: With time, unclean and not maintained ductwork can cause many unwanted inconveniences for homeowners. These include fluctuating temperatures, humidity, high bills and musty odors. Additionally, any leaks in the unit’s ductwork will take a toll on the HVAC unit’s performance. If these issues arise, get them checked and cleaned by a specialist as soon as possible.
  3. Get professional annual HVAC maintenance services: The best tip to prevent any severe damage in the unit is to commit to annual and perhaps even semi-annual maintenance checks.
  4. Changing air filters regularly: A very effective way to keep the HVAC unit in the best condition and indoor air quality high, is changing the air filters when needed as per manufacturer recommendations.

These are some of the main tips that will help new homeowners ensure the optimal performance of their HVAC unit. While owning a new house can present several challenges, choosing the right unit and following these simple tips will help homeowners get off on the right foot and prevent many future inconveniences.

For more information on HVAC units visit:

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HVAC Tips to Help New Homeowners Maintain Indoor Air Quality

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