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This Kid Built a Mini-Cooler From Scrap, Inspired by a Doraemon Episode

When kids get a spike of creativity and resourcefulness while watching cartoons, they can do great things.

A Mini-Cooler from Cardboard

Most kids watch cartoons to be educated or keep themselves entertained. After all, such shows were made and designed for them. But when they get a spike of creativity and resourcefulness while watching cartoons, they could get ideas and do great things.

Such is the case of Mohammad Hassan from New Delhi in India. Only 13 years old, the kid was just keeping himself busy with Doraemon when he realized that he could do, perhaps copy, what the robotic cat has shown in one of the show’s episodes.

“Doremon created a fan using discarded material and it blew away the villains. I decided to try it out but failed. However, I kept at it and it took multiple attempts to come up with the final model,” the kid said in an interview with The Hindu.


Hassan, who is a Class-IX student, belongs to a ragpickers’ family who lives near Delhi’s Bhalswa landfill, occupying a one-room accommodation with his family of five. Taking inspiration from what he saw in Doraemon, he built a mini-cooler with whatever he could see around to beat the heat in the area.

Built over a span of three months, Hassan built a portable, battery-powered mini-cooler from cardboard, wooden-sticks, and plastic-bottles, and attached to a motor and bottle-cap knob regulator. He did this because his father could not afford a cooler fan for their family use.

“My father said if I study hard and my interest in science continues, I will one day pull us out of poverty. Now I want to make a full-size mini-cooler so that my mother doesn’t sweat in the kitchen and my father can relax after he comes home from work,” he said.

Even at a younger age, Hassan showed his love for science. But it was only recently that he began to put his knowledge to use.

His list of inventions include mini motorboats with pencils, plastic-bottles, and batteries; electronic trash-collecting car using mobile-phone packaging boxes and a discarded battery-car; and a mobile charger. He is currently working on a mini airplane.

The teachers of Hassan in the learning center applauded the kid for being a science genius that early. That’s because most families only push their children into rag-picking for additional income instead of developing interest in studies.

Sources: India Samvad | The Hindu

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Engr. Frank Taylor
Australian living in sunny Dubai. Chemical engineer, writer, blogger and social good enthusiast. I'm on Twitter @FrankTaylor90

This Kid Built a Mini-Cooler From Scrap, Inspired by a Doraemon Episode

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