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How Did This Japanese Schoolgirl Take The Internet By Storm?

What makes this 17-year-old schoolgirl special?

We’ve heard of many stories of young children taking the internet by storm, so how is this schoolgirl any different from the others? Well, for starters, she is not real! While she may look like a  real beautiful, innocent-looking Japanese schoolgirl, she is not. She is actually a computer-generated creation of a husband-and-wife team from Tokyo.

Image of Saya when it was released a year ago

Source: Telyuka via Uncoached

Showing off their talent in their latest computer animation technique, Teruyuki and Yuki Ishikawa created Saya during their free time. This couple from Tokyo are known for their lifelike work.

When they posted images of Saya online, people have wondered if she’s real. Thousands have reposted the images with their own opinions – mostly expressing their amazement of such lifelike art.

Image of Saya released this year. See the difference?

Source: Uncoached

Source: Telyuka via BBC

Source: Telyuka via BBC

During an interview with BBC, Yuki Ishikawa expressed her thoughts on the development of Saya. She said, “Though we never thought of ourselves as Saya’s parents, we created her with love and affection as if she was our daughter.” Ever since the photos went viral last year, the couple have worked on improving her face to give the public a newer (and even better) version of Saya. The couple even gave her a personality. Mrs Ishikawa adds, “She is humble and kind, a good student with a strong set of morals and ethics. We also focused on the Japanese idea of kawaii or being cute – she is the modern representation of kawaii.”

Source: Electronic Products Magazine via YouTube

During the CEATEC trade show in Japan, the couple released their first video of Saya. While the Saya we see on the video is not as lifelike compared to the one on the pictures, we can say the couple is really committed to making her lifelike and giving Saya a career in entertain (possibly). The couple even hopes that the creation will be able to connect with

Mrs Ishikawa adds, “Until now we have observed Saya’s world through devices such as displays and screens. By utilising state-of-the-art technologies, it is possible for Saya to ‘break through the frame’ and engage with the real world. It will be interesting to see how she is received as people become aware of her.”

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Daily Mail

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How Did This Japanese Schoolgirl Take The Internet By Storm?

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