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The Kodak Smartphone is Designed for Photographers

It can be likened to a DSLR camera!

(Source: Kodak)

Just when everyone thought the Kodak brand is already fading when it comes to modern technology, they released a Kodak Smartphone.

The Kodak Ektra is described by its maker as a “photography-first, professional quality” smartphone. It runs on Android, built by consumer electronics manufacturer Bullitt. It features a 21-megapixel camera – nearly twice the iPhone 7’s 12 mp, and Google Pixel’s 12.3 mp – a 5” inch display, 32 GB memory, 4K video capture, and a Helio X-20 Decacore Processor. The design of the smartphone takes inspiration from the camera Kodak launched in 1941, and hence the name.

Source: Kodak

Its manufacturer shared through Wired that the device is “not a mass market play,” and rather designed for photographers. The embedded camera application can be likened to a normal digital single-lens reflex (DSLRs), but minus the mirrors and interchangeable lenses.

Source: Kodak

One Kodak Ektra costs a little more than $600, which are now commercially available in Europe.

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The Kodak Smartphone is Designed for Photographers

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