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Leaders’ Talk with Caleffi Hydronic Solutions, Alessio Cioni

Alessio Cioni, Technical Sales Support of Caleffi discussed their latest HVAC products, innovative solutions and 2018 business plans.

Exclusive interview with Alessio Cioni, (Servizio Tecnico Commerciale) Technical Sales Support Export Department, Caleffi Hydronic Solutions. During the Big 5 Dubai Exhibition, Alessio discussed their latest HVAC products, innovative solutions and 2018 business plans.

About The Leader

Alessio Cioni achieved his Engineering Degree at the remarkable Politecnico di Milano. Since then he’s been employed in the role of technical support specialist in plant design and installation. His career started in 2010 when depuration units and renewable energy systems were his main back-office issues/topics/subjects. Once experienced he joined Caleffi with the enhanced working position of Technician dedicated to the Export Department/Foreign Countries. The back-office services (sizing, consulting, technical support from Italy) are still among his duties as well as visiting job sites and related installations. In addition, one of the activities he appreciates most is attending the main worldwide/international exhibitions of the HVAC industry especially if focused on/set in the GCC area.

Being demanded to work in different markets is challenging and wants him to be in touch with different company departments. The result is an efficient teamwork which makes him proud and motivated to keep learning/improving in his business role.

About The Company

Caleffi is a leading Italian manufacturer of components for heating, air conditioning, plumbing and renewable energy systems, for civil and industrial usage, and supplier of state-of-the-art components for metering applications too.

Currently, the group is made up of 12 companies and 6 are divided between commercial agencies and representative of¬fices.

Caleffi employees over 1000 people spread across the Italian Headquarters and the foreign branches. Its products are distributed in more than 70 countries with a turnover result of about 300 million euros in 2016.

The 3 production plants are all established in Italy for strategic reasons: ensuring real compliance with quality standards imposed not only by international regulations but also by speci¬fic corporate choices is a must. 100% of production is effectively monitored in-house and available for sales just after passing a strict process. Thanks to this deep commitment, Caleffi products comply with the latest standards, directives and regulations: CE and Country Approval markings. Caleffi quality control system and full production process also comply with EN ISO 9001:2008 and EN ISO 14001:2004.

Two buildings among the others stand out when visiting the Headquarters: a red cubic construction called CUBOROSSO and a tall grey structure called MAV, the automatic vertical warehouse.

The CUBOROSSO is fully dedicated to our team of engineers and specialised technicians where analysis and product performance comparisons take place. Brand new design and improvements on product features are also conceived there. A plus of the building? All tests are conducted using alternative energy sources that keep this red cube alive.

At the second floor, a brand new 250 sqm area housing functioning demonstration panels, videos, cut-off samples, real heating and plumbing systems is set. It is an experiential path for company’s visitors based on the highest up-to-date technologies. Its name? CALEFFI EXPERIENCE of course.

The MAV is the company’s modern automated vertical warehouse (MAV) that has been newly built to improve further the customer service and optimise delivery times avoiding the risk of human mistakes. 14,000 pallets can be stored in and daily managed.

Last but not least, what is the Caleffi most precious resource in their honest opinion? People. It is them who make the difference and build value.

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Engr. Maryam Khalid
Mechanical engineer living in Dubai. Blogger, writer and tech nerd. Love Dubai, love earth, love social good stuff. Follow me on Twitter @maryamkhalid95

Leaders’ Talk with Caleffi Hydronic Solutions, Alessio Cioni

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