Now more than ever, there is an emphasis on cleanliness, disinfection, and protection against microbial contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and the like.
This sudden importance of safeguarding everything, especially one’s health, is all due to today’s current COVID-19 pandemic.
Everywhere people go, medical safety measures are enacted like washing hands, socially and physically distancing, and leaving the house only when absolutely necessary.
That being said, protective steps must be taken when inside the house as well, as we can never truly know what lurks within our walls or in this case, pipes.
Yes, there is a big chance that the water we use in the shower and even the water we drink may house contaminants that have the power to endanger our lives.
In response to this possibility, a complete water filtration system must be installed. For the best results and truly clean water, a UV water filter must also come with the complete system.
UV light in the UV water filter is able to destroy 99.9% of microscopic invaders as they swim in our water.
The process is fairly simple: First, water is pumped into a chamber which houses an ultraviolet bulb. The ultraviolet rays produced are fine-tuned to a frequency that turns them into microbe-killing machines.
Like arrows shot from a bow, these rays pierce the cell walls, damaging contaminants and their DNA so that they fail to reproduce. Not only is this an effective way of eliminating dangerous bacteria and viruses in the water, it does not taint or contaminate the water in any way.
Needless to say, there are many individuals who will benefit from clean, microbe-free water thanks to a complete water filtration system. Overall, a complete UV water filtration system is a great addition to any home.
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