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Tesla Celebrates 5,000 Model 3 Cars Per Week Milestone

Reports are coming from Tesla that their self-prescribed goal of 5,000 Model 3 units per week has been achieved last week.

Tesla reaches greater heights with its new production milestone from Model 3, 5,000 cars in a week. To add to the celebration, the team has also achieved the most in overall combined production 7,000 cars in a week. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, announced this to the Model 3 team in a congratulatory email sent last July 1, 2018. Musk sent out congratulations to the employees who made this all possible.

Source: Imgur

In his email: “We did it! What an incredible job by an amazing team. Couldn’t be more proud to work with you. It is an honor.

The level of dedication and creativity was mind-blowing. We either found a way or, by will and inventiveness, created entirely new solutions that were thought impossible.”

Musk celebrated his 47th birthday on the production floor, just a few days before reaching their self-prescribed goal of making 5,000 Model 3 cars in a week. Although the Model 3 production had already been increasing in the last 6 months, Tesla is still looking to do more. They’re looking at having around 6,000 units produced per week by the end of next month.

Source: Tesla

Although people are quite skeptical at whether Tesla can maintain this kind of production throughout, it’s quite an achievement to bask on for the current employees at the Model 3 production team. Looking at what the market has today, no other company has reached this amount of production. Today, Tesla is leading the all-electric car production market at over 300 thousand vehicles per year, with no one else remotely close to their tracks.

The Model 3 production is not just about numbers. The new model has also introduced new features which include a dual motor powertrain, and a flashy white interior which Tesla announced last month. These numbers are just from what was projected on Musk’s email to his employees, the official production and delivery numbers for the second quarter is set to be announced this week. Musk is also telling investors that the company is looking to be on the ‘green’ in terms of cash flow by the second half of the year.

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Tesla Celebrates 5,000 Model 3 Cars Per Week Milestone

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