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This Wind Turbine that Looks Like a Tree (Video)

Jérôme Michaud-Larivière has just redefined wind turbines using trees.

Wind Turbine trees that can produce electricity


Jérôme Michaud-Larivière has just redefined wind turbines.

The conventional dull-looking wind turbines power generator in open fields are almost always an eye sore, but a startup from Paris manned by Michaud-Larivière has created the Tree Wind, which, as the name suggests, is a wind turbine that takes the shape of a tree.

It features leaves that capture wind energy, pretty much like a miniature version of wind turbines only put in tree with trunk made of steel. It is only capable of producing 3.1 kW as its output; but when a series of it are used altogether, they can produce enough power for the streetlights or even offset some of the energy consumption of the nearby homes.

You can also see similar bigger Wind Turbines product on various online marketplace.

About the inventor, Jérôme Michaud-Larivière

Issu de l’univers exigeant de la création artistique (cinéma, littérature), j’ai voulu créer une start up industrielle qui challenge Innovation, Design, et haute technologie. Ainsi est née NewWind R&D avec pour mission d’inventer de nouvelles solutions de production électrique, qui soient aussi belles qu’efficaces, porteuses de sens et d’émotion.

L’Arbre à Vent ® s’impose ainsi comme la première éolienne bio-mimétique capable de transformer le souffle des villes en électricité.
NewWind mettra sur le marché dès 2017 de nouvelles solutions bio-inspirées, permettant à chacun de produire sa propre énergie.

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This Wind Turbine that Looks Like a Tree (Video)

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