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Top 50 Robotics Companies In The World

Robotics Business Review released this year’s Top 50 robotics companies that made crucial commercial influence, groundbreaking applications and have shown innovativeness in their products.

We’ve welcomed robots in our lives. This is very noticeable especially in futuristic and first-world countries that are fast-paced and give importance in giving people convenience and comfort. While some give a bad reputation for robots, it is quite obvious that robotics have played a crucial role in how we develop as a society. Nowadays, engineers have developed robots that can do all the chores for us, robots that work for us and robots who could even think for us. That’s why every robot has been very useful in making our daily lives better.

Source: Robotnor

There has been a debate going on lately about robots though. For some, robots pose as a threat to humanity. With the threat of actually replacing humans one day, some people believe that we should stop developing them into a more complex human-like machines. But other people thought differently and have made it their mission to produce high-quality robots that could be more useful to us than ever before.

Source: Robotics Business Review via Twitter

Robotics Business Review released this year’s Top 50 robotics companies that made crucial commercial influence, groundbreaking applications and have shown innovativeness in their products.

  1. 3D Robotics
  2. ABB Robotics
  3. Aethon Inc.
  4. Alphabet, Inc. (Google)
  5. Amazon
  6. Autonomous Solutions
  7. CANVAS Technology
  8. Carbon Robotics
  9. Clearpath Robotics
  10. Cyberdyne
  11. Delphi Automotive
  12. DJI
  13. Ekso Bionics
  14. Energid Technologies
  15. EPSON Robots
  16. FANUC Robotics
  17. Fetch Robotics
  18. Foxconn Technology Group
  19. GreyOrange
  20. IAM Robotics
  21. Intuitive Surgical
  22. iRobot
  23. Jibo
  24. Kawasaki
  25. Knightscope
  26. KUKA Robotics
  27. Lockheed Martin
  28. Locus Robotics
  29. Omron Adept Technologies Inc.
  30. Open Bionics
  31. Rethink Robotics
  32. ReWalk Robotics
  33. Robotiq
  34. Samsung
  35. Savioke
  36. SCHUNK
  37. Seegrid
  38. Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd
  39. SoftBank Robotics Corporation
  40. Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd
  41. Swiss log
  42. Titan Medical
  43. Toyota
  44. ULC Robotics, Inc.
  45. Universal Robots A/S
  46. Vecna Technologies
  47. Verb Surgical
  48. VEX Robotics
  49. Yamaha Robotics
  50. Yaskawa Motoman

Article Source:

Robotic Business Review


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Top 50 Robotics Companies In The World

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