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Top Considerations When Choosing The Best Adhesive Dispensing Machine

Your choice of an adhesive dispenser can make or break your targets when it comes to manufacturing efficiency

Your choice of an adhesive dispenser can make or break your targets when it comes to manufacturing efficiency. There is simply no substitute for building a system that’s consistent, accurate, and flexible enough to suit your changing production needs. So, while it would no doubt be easier to pick out an adhesive dispensing machine randomly, you can only ensure a return on your investment by doing your research and keeping the following considerations in mind before you make a purchase:

Manufacturer’s Track Record

Not all adhesive dispensing machines are created equal. Working with a renowned and multi-awarded manufacturer might be a lot more expensive than an unheard-of company, but as with most things, you get what you pay for. Industry leaders became such because they have proven themselves through years and years of experience providing reliable machines for engineering businesses like yours, so make sure not to skimp on a few hundred bucks only to pay for it dearly in the end.

Quality of Machine

When purchasing any kind of equipment, quality should be a top consideration. Admittedly, it’s pretty hard to compare the quality of different machines when you have to try any of them yourself, but let us share with you one life hack that always works if you want to know how reliable a product is without testing it: check the warranty.

Manufacturers that sell high-quality adhesive dispensing machines have the confidence to offer customers at least a three-year warranty, with any repairs falling within such warranty period provided for free. So before you decide on a dispensing system, make sure you know what kind of warranty you can get for your purchase.

Expected Lifespan

To be quite frank, adhesive dispensing machines do not come cheap. When you invest in one, it is fair to assume that it will last you a good number of years before you even have to consider replacing it with a newer model.

Do not be afraid to ask manufacturers what the expected lifespan is for the machines they’re selling. Afterward, cross-reference their response with feedback from others who have bought the machine before you. It should be fairly easy to look for customer reviews from verified buyers online, just so you can rest assured that you have an accurate idea of the machine’s life expectancy.

Your Dispensing Needs

Whatever dispensing system you get, it should be able to meet the purpose you are buying one for. First, you have to be very familiar with your dispensing needs. Do you need heating material or an elevated curing process? Are you expecting a rather small or large production volume? These are things that will come into play when you’re choosing what dispensing machine to get. Understanding your exact needs is the first and most important step in knowing whether that machine you’re eyeing is actually the best one for you to get.

How the Machine is Operated

A staggering percentage of manufacturers are shifting to automated operations. Carefully assess your needs and consider that buying a manually operated machine might require you to add more people to your workforce. If you don’t have the means or the inclination to do so, then it might be best to narrow your selection to automated machines. Again, being familiar with your needs and preferences is crucial in making this investment decision.

Maintenance Requirements

Another important consideration when choosing the best adhesive dispensing machine is how much maintenance it needs. Since maintenance is an integral part of keeping productivity at desirable levels, you have to know the machine’s maintenance needs before you buy it—and not a minute after.

Support and Collaboration

Not all manufacturers can offer post-sale assistance, which you might need to survive the learning curve that comes with any new machine. Remember that, more than the actual unit, you should be looking for a manufacturer that’s easy to work with and one that can give you the best value for your money. Know what kind of support and collaboration you can expect from the maker before you ultimately decide to do business with them.

It bears reiterating that an adhesive dispenser system is no small investment. The least you can do for yourself is to take the time to research these considerations to find the best manufacturer and machine for your needs.


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Top Considerations When Choosing The Best Adhesive Dispensing Machine

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