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Ways Engineers and Scientists Help Save Today’s Water Crisis

It’s safe to say there’s future for all of us

We’re overwhelmed with news of a growing population of people with no access of clean water. Almost 800 million of them are suffering from dehydration and water-borne diseases. With the increasing population worldwide and the alarming climate change the world is facing right now, aren’t you afraid that one day, you won’t be able to have access of the drinking water you easily take for granted in your own home? Here’s how engineers can help fight the global water crisis.


A report from the United Nations informs the public that 1.8 billion people will no longer have access to water by the year 2025. While most people do not make an effort to save water, there are engineers and scientists out there who have dedicated their whole lives to develop new technologies to save us from suffering from lack of water. These technologies could lead us to a breakthrough. They may even save us all from death by lack of clean water.

Fighting global water crisis (Source: World Vision)

It’s safe to say there’s future for all of us. There’s a chance for clean water becoming available for us. Here’s why:

The filtration technique is becoming more advanced

One example comes from the scientists in Michigan State University. They have found a way that is turning cow manure into filtered water which can be used as a fertilizer.

People invest on clean toilets for people to have access on

Sanitation is important and this is one message The Gates Foundation wanted to relay when they held the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge last 2012. Winners of this contest came from Caltech where they turned the waste from the toilet they created into fertilizer. This developed technology is believed to last for 20 years and only costs 11 cents a day to run.

Companies want us to have an up-to-date data on the water conditions around the world

This will help other companies who want to develop new technologies for clean water systems to use the data that is up-to-date.

Startups want to focus on solving today’s water problems

Startups like Imagine H2O have made it their goal to find innovative ways to solve water problems and raise awareness on what’s going on. Even giant corporations like Coca Cola have taken part of this movement.


More focus on irrigation

Irrigation plays a huge part on today’s water pollution. With fertilizers being mixed with some water resources, it has caused engineers and scientists to come up with new ways to protect clean water from the pollution caused by irrigation. Different organizations and companies have come up with different solution for different irrigation problems.

More efficient desalination technology available

Areas like Saudi Arabia, California, Israel and Chile have developed better desalination plants that can provide them with water treatment to be used later on for daily needs. Technology focuses on stripping ocean water with salts and other minerals through reverse osmosis. Hopefully, more amount of clean water can be provided to people living in arid areas.

Drones play an important role

In order to monitor usage of water and waste control, different requests for investments on drones are campaigned for. Using drones, people can keep track of possible sources of water pollution and other problems.


Article Source

Tech Republic

How to solve Water Crisis in Philippines, How to solve Water Crisis in Africa, How to solve Water Crisis in China, How to solve Water Crisis in Middle East, How to solve Water Crisis in UAE, How to solve Water Crisis in South America 

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Emmanuel Stalling
Emmanuel Stalling is software engineer, technical writer, online philosopher, aspiring novelist, part-time ninja, and fan of hard science fiction. Based in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Ways Engineers and Scientists Help Save Today’s Water Crisis

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