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This Wearable Will Keep You Cool and Entertained At The Same Time

This air conditioner also lets you connect to any smartphone via Bluetooth and allows you to enjoy hands-free phone calls, stream live music, radio, podcasts, speaker, and has a GPS system just in case you get lost!

We all love air conditioning. Whether it be too cool down during the hot summer or to heat up during the freezing cold winter, it’s always nice to keep your body at just the right temperature for comfort. However, once you leave the comfort of your building and into the outside world, you have to say goodbye to these luxuries and face the harsh weather that makes you wonder how the hell your ancient homo sapiens ancestors survived. Well, worry not, the company G2T has got your back, with their new N2 – a portable air conditioning device!

The Kickstarter starts off by warning you on the way intense weather can affect your health, and then moves on to telling you just how stylish it looks whilst keeping your body temperature under control whilst keeping you connected to your smartphone. 

Source: Kickstarter

According to tests, the N2 is actually pretty effective in keeping you warm during cold days and keeping you cool during hot days.

It also saves money and electricity, wherein the traditional air conditioner uses 2,352 kWh per year and costs $300 per month, whilst the G2T N2 only uses 6 kWh per year, for only $189 for the entire product which is rechargeable.

The G2T N2 also lets you connect to any smartphone via bluetooth and allows you to enjoy hands-free phone calls, stream live music, radio, and podcasts, act as a speaker source for YouTube videos, and has a GPS system just in case you get lost.

They also emphasized on the speaker function of this new gadget. Stating the fact that 26 million Americans between ages of 20-69 have suffered permanent noise-induced hearing loss from extended use of headphones and earbuds, and the N2 protects your eardrums from further damage as its speaker is a bit further from your ear, but close enough for you to be able to enjoy your music.

Source: Kickstarter

It’s also pretty easy to setup and use as explained by this chart:

Source: Kickstarter

Here’s the N2 in action:

Source: YouTube, Leo Chen

The Project was successfully funded on kickstarter with $33,059 and 210 backers out of its $30,000 goal.

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This Wearable Will Keep You Cool and Entertained At The Same Time

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