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The Most Commonly Mined Minerals and Metals in Africa

In this list, we’ll be giving you the minerals commonly mined in Africa

Mined Minerals

While there are people who object to mining, those who support it are actively campaigning for responsible mining in their areas. The world is full of resources that we can use to advance our technology and provide a supply to our daily needs, so people should see that there is importance in mining. However, governments and private companies should only allow practices that includes rehabilitation of the mine. If they tolerate mining companies who just leave mines as they are after all the resources have been taken away, communities will have to suffer from different consequences later on.

Minerals mined are used for different purposes, but they all have one thing in common: everybody needs them. These minerals are mined and processed later on so that the public can use them for the production of the latest technology, for vanity purposes and even for the toothpaste we use to brush our teeth with. You see, mining is crucial for human kind and these minerals mined have played important roles in our lives now.

In this list, we’ll be giving you the minerals commonly mined in Africa.


Source: Market Watch


Source: Wikipedia


Source: University of Pittsburgh


Source: Roger’s Minerals

Tin, tantalum and tungsten

Source: Emaze


Source: Minmat


Source: Geology

Platinum Group Metals

Source: Specialty Metals

Article Sources

BBCDiscoveryKPMG Africa

Mined Minerals in South Africa, Mining Minerals in Philippines, Mining Minerals in Kenya, Mined Minerals in Australia, Mined Minerals in Nigeria, Mining Minerals in Indonesia, Mining Minerals in China, Mining Minerals in USA, Mining Minerals in Mozambique, Mining Minerals in Egypt, Mining Minerals in Angola, Mining Minerals in India, Mining Minerals in Sri Lanka, Mining Minerals in Bangladesh, Mining Minerals in West Africa, Mining Minerals in East Africa, Mining Minerals in Malawi

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Suad Alkhoury

Suad Alkhoury Speaks French, Arabic and English fluently. TV Host at GineersNow TV. Social media geek. Based in Dubai & Beirut. Follow me on Linkedin

The Most Commonly Mined Minerals and Metals in Africa

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