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What an Engineering Manager Can Learn From England’s Football Manager

An engineering manager can learn so much from how Gareth Southgate managed his team to win the game.

An engineering manager can learn so much from how Gareth Southgate managed his team to win the game.

Clients would not have put much trust in your company’s leadership and management because of its past performance just like how football fans look to England. It’s time for you to drive that thought away as you sit down and read how Gareth Southgate turns England’s football fate into something else.

Gareth Southgate, 47, is a former player of the said team who has become its current manager. During the recent World Cup, Southgate’s smart management took the team to the semi-finals after years of drought.

Photo: Engineering Manager can learn from Gareth Southgate

Truly sports and engineering are in different fields but here are the things that an engineering boss can take note of how Gareth Southgate manages his team:

1. Everything begins with mental preparation

Despite having vast resources and a hardworking team, some engineering firms still fail. When failure comes, the bosses are discouraged and this reflects in his or her management. Doing that, the more he or she fails. But when the boss is mentally prepared for whatever will happen, he or she can regain confidence back easily and finish what has been started.

Photo: Engineering Manager can learn from Gareth Southgate

This is the secret of South Gareth for his team to have a positive mindset – that even if they lose, they still win because they do this to show their talents and they have given their best. Despite what the media will publish about them if they fail, they are not scared. The pressure of winning is there but because they are mentally prepared, they are more concerned about accepting the challenge and improving themselves.

2. Consult experienced players

Engineering is a dynamic industry and its management as well. However, there are principles and practices by previous engineering bosses that are worthy of keeping to stay in the game. Listening has a vital role in growth. There are managers and bosses who won their position because they listen and learned many things from their superiors and applied it on their own.

Photo: Engineering Manager can learn from Gareth Southgate

In relation to this, Southgate began a ritual on his team where new players have the chance to learn tactics from the previous one. Before their first game begins, former players were given the chance to hand over their positions to the new debutants which also allows them to transfer their knowledge and share their experience to them.

3. Expel micromanagement

Give your team members the freedom to the job in their own style. Do not narrow down the opportunity for them to learn new processes that make their work easier and efficient. Focus on the results and appreciate what they have done to accomplish the task rather than scolding them for not doing it your way.

Photo: Engineering Manager can learn from Gareth Southgate

Micromanagement is not in the vocabulary of the English coach. He doesn’t want to provide so much for his players to ingest. He teaches them to develop a sense of responsibility within themselves and he trusts them. This resulted in better team performance.

 4. Unity in diversity

A good leader earns respect and at the same time promotes it inside the office. Understanding the differences between one another and keeping professionalism in mind is one key for employees to be happy at work. Bear in mind that a good boss always makes sure that no one is the team is taking advantage of the other just because of race, gender or abilities.

Photo: Engineering Manager can learn from Gareth Southgate

Inside the England football team, Gareth communicates with the players depending on their specific personalities and needs. He makes each of them feel that each one can contribute to the team’s victory and each of them have a special way to do their own share. In that way, unity is practiced.

So, if you want to be the next Gareth Southgate of the engineering world, you have to do what he does. A great engineering boss keeps in mind that a good manager learns the practices of good managers like the English coach.

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Engr. Frank Taylor
Australian living in sunny Dubai. Chemical engineer, writer, blogger and social good enthusiast. I'm on Twitter @FrankTaylor90

What an Engineering Manager Can Learn From England’s Football Manager

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