How Engineers Can Clean Up Their Social Media Accounts

Remember, hiring managers look at your Social Media accounts too.

Other than your traditional resume printed on bond paper, hiring managers now check your social media accounts as well. Your Instagram account reveals your love for travels and happy hours. Your twitter shows the gossip you’ve been following, and your Facebook profile shows just about everything about you.

Nowadays, hiring managers look at your social media just as thoroughly as your resume or cover letter. This is why it is important to monitor how you post or what you share online. If you’re currently looking for a job right now, and think there’s something in your public feed that needs to be kept hidden, then now is the time to clean your accounts.

Here are eight tips that will help you show your best self online–without sacrificing your personality.

Keep’em Private

Simply go to your settings and choose only “friends” to see your daily activities. This will keep companies from finding extra personal details at your social media.

As an added tip, if you really want your profile to remain personal, only accept friend requests from people you know and not anyone in your professional network.

Hide or Delete Any Inappropriate posts

This is a good move if you plan to keep your profile private. These posts don’t need to be deleted. You can always archive Instagram photos and hide content from your Facebook timeline. You can also set your settings to “only me” on certain posts you want to remain private.

Source: Unsplash

Deactivate Old Accounts

Remember your middle school Facebook and YouTube account where you posted embarrassing posts and rants about your teachers and classmates? If you don’t want hiring managers to come across these, it’s better to have them deactivated.

If you don’t think you have any, Google yourself!

Add the Right Photos

Your photo will be the first thing your hiring managers will see when they search you online.

Post Industry-Related News, Quotes, or Articles

Post, share, or retweet anything about the industry you want to be a part of. Once a hiring manager sees your interest is the same as the company’s, they are more likely to consider you for a position.

Follow Inspiring People and Companies

This includes blogs, news sources, and other websites that inspire you to be a better individual and professional. This shows managers what you are passionate about, which leaders you admire and how up-to-date you are.

The best advice of all is make the right choices. Before posting something think whether it matched the online presence you want to uphold.


Article Source:

The Muse

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

How Engineers Can Clean Up Their Social Media Accounts

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