ASEAN Water and Wastewater Challenges

ASEAN water and wastewater crisis is a complicated issue

The ASEAN water and wastewater crisis is a complicated issue.

While the scientists from MIT have used a complicated tool to predict the roots of an impending water crisis in the ASEAN region, it got commendation it deserves from various bodies.

ASEAN Water and UN

The United Nations’ World Institute for Development Economics Research, through its agricultural economist Channing Arndt, said that the paper is “looking at a really important issue for the world” and thought that the basic finding of the study “makes sense.” Arndt added that the scope and evaluation approach of the paper, which is integrating climate change with economic and population growth, is “worthwhile.”

ASEAN Water and MIT Research

MIT’s scientists is taking its study further by working on related projects, like one on the effects of mitigation on ASEAN water and wastewater challenges. They are extending on adaptation practices such as more efficient irrigation technologies which will help in alleviating the water problem in nations who are categorized to have high water stress. Their preliminary findings indicate strong cases for effective actions and measures to reduce risk. It doesn’t stop there though, as the team aims to still look for ways in fine-tuning their modelling, ultimately to estimate significant ASEAN water shortages in the future.

About half of the world’s total population reside in the largest continent. More people only means more demand with water, among other needs. But it looks like Asia’s relationship with water will be much more complicated as we reach the year 2050.

A study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology entitled, “Projections of Water Stress Based on an Ensemble of Socioeconomic Growth and Climate Change Scenarios: A Case Study in Asia” suggests that in 35 years, Asia will suffer from serious water shortages with roots from economic and population growth on top of climate change. Using a detailed modelling to measure the full range of scenarios involving water availability and use in the future, the scientists conclude that there is a “high risk of severe water stress” across Asia.


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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

ASEAN Water and Wastewater Challenges

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