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List of Companies that Pulled Out of Russia

In protest of the Russian invasion

The entire West and Asian allies are in solidarity. Here’s a list of companies that pulled out of Russia.


After months of rising tensions, characterized by a buildup of the Russian military along Ukraine’s borders, Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Economic sanctions have been placed on Russia by the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom, including ones directed directly at Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Ukraine proclaimed independence in 1991 after spending most of the twentieth century as part of the Soviet Union. Since then, the nation has grown closer to Western Europe and the United States.

As Russia’s war on Ukraine drags on, an increasing number of businesses have announced that they would no longer sell their goods or services in Russia. This will make things like video games, iPhones, and the PlayStation 5 more difficult to get in Russia. Apple and Microsoft have both announced that they would no longer sell goods in Russia.

While the disagreement continues, EA has announced that it will halt the sale of games and other digital things. Google and Twitter have also halted advertising.

Companies have also reacted in other ways, such as restricting the internet presence of Russian state-owned media sites like RT News and Sputnik News and clamping down on misinformation.

In Russia, Cogent and Lumen, who supply so-called backbone internet services, have shut off access. Uber said it was working to “accelerate” its exit from Yandex, a Russian internet company that also offers a ride-hailing service.

Amazon Web Services has halted taking on new clients for its cloud computing services, while IBM has shut down its operations completely. Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky announced the suspension of all operations in Russia and Belarus in a tweet.

All of Sony’s software and hardware shipments have been paused, and orders on Sony’s online PlayStation shop in Russia have been temporarily blocked.

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technology woman with Ukraine flag to protest Russia invasion

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

List of Companies that Pulled Out of Russia

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