The New Face of HVACR: How Robots and AI Will Take Over Its Future Generations

HVACR are operated by computer processors which increases the chances of power and hardware consumption and cost

The new face of global HVACR industry – robotics and artificial intelligence.

Humans are given bodies designed to move in order to keep them alive and cover their basic needs for survival. In the olden times, our ancestors used to till the soil to plant crops or hunt animals in order to have something to eat. They created fire to light-up their homes and stay warm at night.

But we are now living in a far too convenient age where we no longer need to sweat over things. Our basic needs are pretty much available with the use of technology-driven machines. In fact, we are living in a very luxurious setting that we now have amazing Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) systems that have been undeniably saving our lives from extreme cold and heat.

However, just like our body these machines are also vulnerable and susceptible to wear and breakage if not taken care properly. They serve a special purpose in our lives and thus, they need to be continuously fueled and maintained responsibly.

Unfortunately, us, humans have grown too lazy to perform mundane tasks like cleaning the air ducts of the system. Also, to add that it is a very time-consuming task which has historically resulted to disastrous accidents as well in the past. Hazardous environments such as hospitals, or buildings where toxic substances are processed are no longer classified as ideal place for us humans.

And so, in this magazine we are to divulge the clear solution to these occupational hazards. Duct cleaning robots are the future in taking care of HVACR systems. Featuring 5-star grade in cleaning, we are to share the leading technology in robotics that will give you a shift in taking care of your beloved HVACR.

There is a question, though that remains at hand. Should we stop at what we now have? HVAC is growing and it is something companies and even simple household can’t live without, why not train it to become intelligent so that they won’t need us to supervise? Why not give it a chunk of our brains that is designed to explore and learn by doing stuffs?

If you think, you’re the first one to have ever wondered about that, let me assure you that you’re not. In this month’s issue, we are to open doors towards the future of HVACR in automation controls like Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Taking a leap to the next 5 to 10 years, let us give you a glimpse when HVACR are operated by computer processors which increases the chances of power and hardware consumption and cost decrease—a breakthrough that can save billions through AI.

I bet you that robots and intelligent systems have a cool story to be told. And as a bonus for this month’s release, we are to give you a peek featuring different facets of the life of an engineer—starring hard facts in the professional work environment, life hacks and useful leadership guide.

You wouldn’t also want to miss tips on crafting the most effective engineering resume while finding out and landing one of 2018’s highest paying tech jobs. Get ready as well to learn the secrets of workplace coaching and its benefits for a better and more proactive leaders inside your firm.

All of that and more from this issue. Cheers to you, engineer!



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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

The New Face of HVACR: How Robots and AI Will Take Over Its Future Generations

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