UGE: Keeping The Planet Healthy With Urban Green Energy

In this feature, the CEO of UGE, Nick Blitterswyk talks about the organization's humble beginnings up to being one of green energy leaders

At the end of the day, no prayer and wishful thinking will save the natural world—salvation will not arrive if we do not take action.

Ice glaciers all over the world are melting in fast rates. Citizens of the Swiss Alps thought of a way on how to at least slow down the liquefaction of the glaciers. Blankets are used to warm us on cold winter nights but the Swiss people used them to protect their ice glaciers and reduce its seasonal melting up by 70% every summer.

It may be a bizarre situation but this issue is just one the results of the alarming state of global warming and climate change. Since the Industrial Revolution, the world has warmed more than one degree and as it gets hotter, the more that the world is susceptible to catastrophes we have never imagined.

But what could possibly help to save us from the danger? We may acquire all the precious golds in the world but it can do nothing to protect us from this tragedy. Because in the midst of the deteriorating climate of our only living planet, it is not gold that matters. It is green.

Green energy is more significant than gold

One of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases is the large energy consumption of humans using fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy. This is why engineers and scientist thought of ways on how to diminish the reliance of people to these energy resources that leave massive carbon footprint. Through their brilliant minds and passionate hearts to protect the Earth, they have discovered numerous ways to combat the causes of energy pollution.

Green energy contributed 50% growth in the global power generation. Solar energy, hydropower, wind energy and biomass are some of those called “green sources of energy.” They are generated from naturally available materials. Engineers have done thorough research through the years to develop machines, equipment and other tools that could help generate power from these sources to deliver efficient and nature-friendly utilities in every home and businesses.

Today, we are fortunate to have passionate and dedicated green energy champions such as Nick Blitterswyk who is an advocate of a cleaner, sustainable and efficient energy. Through his Urban Green Energy (UGE) project which started 10 years ago, they were able to help countries such the US, Canada and the Philippines to expand their potential in solar powering communities.

Through UGE, Blitterswyk is eyeing to make the change as extensive as possible to help people save money on energy and push them to become affiliates for a greener planet.

Truly, green is greater than gold

In this feature, the CEO of UGE, Nick Blitterswyk talks about the organization’s humble beginnings up to being one of green energy leaders. Armed with its present-day innovations, the organization and its core promise to continue to create renewable energy innovations for the future.

I bet you that UGE is a cool story to be told. And as a bonus for this month’s release, we are to give you a peek featuring different facets of the life of an engineer—starring hard facts in the professional work environment, life hacks and useful leadership guide.

You wouldn’t also want to miss tips on crafting the most effective engineering resume while finding out and landing one of 2018’s highest paying tech jobs. Get ready as well to learn the secrets of workplace coaching and its benefits for a better and more proactive leaders inside your firm.

All of that and more from this issue. Cheers to you, engineer!



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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

UGE: Keeping The Planet Healthy With Urban Green Energy

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