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Four Straightforward Ways to Improve Your College Application

Taking part in a variety of voluntary activities can really boost your college application

College Application


When you are considering a college education, it is essential that your application is as good as it can possibly be. Without paying attention to the finer details, you may miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime, settling for a place somewhere else. Continue reading the four straightforward ways in which you can improve your college application and possibly your future along with it.

1. Check the spelling and grammar

Poor spelling and grammar might not be the end of the world. However, they do look sloppy and provide the reader with a sense of you not having been bothered to use a spelling or grammar checker, which are so readily available these days. Expressing yourself clearly is so important, so ensuring that it is a well-written application is imperative. Even more importantly, they also provide those people making decisions relating to your future an insight into whether you could cope with the pressures of writing undergraduate-level essays.

2. Volunteer

Taking part in a variety of voluntary activities can really boost your college application. Not only will you be doing something worthwhile with your time, helping charities or organizations who rely on the support of those wishing to do good, but it will also show you to be a kind and helpful member of society. Furthermore, volunteering can also broaden your horizons, supporting you to hone new skills that you never knew you had and discover interests in unexpected areas. It may even change the path of your future, making you reconsider what was previously set in stone in your mind.

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3. Tuition

We can’t always be at the right place at the right time. However, tuition can sometimes be helpful in ensuring we are as close as possible to meeting our goal. When it comes to college admissions, they are likely to judge your suitability on your SAT or ACT scores (be sure to check which one your chosen college prefers as this could have some bearing towards how well you do). If you feel that you need a little extra support in getting the best possible outcome, private tuition through a reputable and experienced company, such as Going Ivy, should be a consideration.

4. Sell yourself

When it comes to selling ourselves on paper, it can be one of the hardest things to do. However, if you do not believe in yourself, it may be even more challenging to convince your chosen college to take a chance on you. Before drafting your application, sit down and create a list or mind map of achievements over the past few years. If, for example, you were the captain of the football team, consider what that information could tell someone, the transferable skills. You should sell your leadership skills, your sportsmanship, your ability to remain calm under pressure and your perseverance. Simply putting that you did something is not enough. Think about the ‘So what?’. What is the information you provide telling the college about you, and why does it matter? If it’s irrelevant, scrap it and replace it with something that shows you in a much better light.

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Four Straightforward Ways to Improve Your College Application

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