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Dog Parker: The Smarthome For Your Dog While You Shop

A smart place to keep our best-buds safe while we run our errands.

Owning a dog is fun. You get to play with your little (or huge) bag of hyperactive fluff all day and it instantly takes away all your worries from our stressful society. However, it’s also quite a responsibility. Especially with dog-theft being a growing problem in different cities around the world, most owners don’t feel safe leaving their dogs tied up alone while they’re inside a café or going grocery shopping. This makes it tedious to multitask walking your dog and getting your daily morning coffee from Starbucks or picking up your daily take-out bagel.

This is where a new startup company, Dog Parker, comes in and saves the day. As the name implies, Dog Parker is a service that lets you “park” your dog outside the shop whilst you’re inside the building.

Source: The Gadget Flow

It’s an individual-sized dog house with internet connectivity and an app. The app basically lets you reserve a Dog Parker nearest to your destination to pick up that everything bagel and let your big ball of love-and-fur rest safely inside the dog smarthouse.

The app also lets you view your dog to make sure it’s safe via a webcam inside the Dog Parker, and lets the user exclusively lock and unlock the door to it, so you’re confident no one will steal your animal bff.

The Dog Parkers also comes with a built in UVC sanitation light that provides surface level sanitation of the dog house in between visits. At the end of each day, the maintenance crew will show up and give the dog house a good and thorough deep clean to each Dog Parker in the area.

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Source: Steve Dale Pet World

The startup had first beta tested out the product by spreading 5 Dog Parkers across 9 locations in Brooklyn. Now, the final version of the Dog Parker looks cozier and more comfortable, and will roll out 100 units of the new model throughout neighborhoods in Brooklyn and New York.

To be able to use the Dog parker though, you need to apply for a membership, which costs around $25 per year, as well as $0.20 for every minute you use it. That might add up to be a bit expensive. But hey, any pet owner would probably be willing to spend as much just to make sure their fluffy fellas stay safe.

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Dog Parker: The Smarthome For Your Dog While You Shop

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