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Are You an Ambivert Type of Engineer?

Ambiverts get the best of both worlds!

I’m an engineer who’s an ambivert, and if you feel that you’re in the same boat as I am then you know how confusing this can be for people. An ambivert is a person who is an introvert and an extrovert at the same time! We’re sometimes sociable and want to mingle ‘till the wee hours off the night, and sometimes we just want to be alone in our room with a box of pizza and recharge.

Here are some truths about ambiverts.

We need some alone time before and after socializing.

Source: Giphy

Our social energy has an expiry date, or if in terms of batteries, we discharge. So, it’s important for us to recharge before and after social activities. If we aren’t given time for ourselves in between activities, we suddenly feel irritable, tired, and sometimes depressed.

We are selective with our social calendar

Source: Giphy

We enjoy staying at home as much as (or more than going out). So it’s difficult for us to decide whether to go out or not. We usually opt to stay at home if we feel we don’t have enough energy to socialize.

We make new friendships easily, but have trouble maintaining them

When we get into social mode, it’s easy for us to make new friends. Maintaining friendships is another thing. We find it difficult to spend a lot of social energy with a lot of people. We save our love and loyalty for a select group of friends.

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We’re not fond of small talk. We prefer true connection

Source: Giphy

We enjoy socializing with people, but we don’t like just any kind of socializing. We want meaningful conversations, we want to be able to understand and connect.

We are quiet in a crowd

Source: Giphy

We don’t feel the need to talk the whole time in a crown of people. Sometimes we are content with listening and observing.

We always have an escape plan

Source: Giphy

We sometimes run out of social batteries and find the need to be alone at the wrong place and time. SO we try to find ways to escape ASAP.

Did you relate to any of these? Then you may be an extroverted introvert as well. Tell us in the comments below what you think.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Are You an Ambivert Type of Engineer?

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