Ways Engineers Can Get Ahead During Downtime

“Free time” could be great for either taking a break or working ahead of time.

As engineers, we’re always really, really busy. Heck, it’s rare to find free time for ourselves if we’re working for a big tech company and the like. But eventually, things will start to slow down, and the urgency of tasks dwindles as they get done one by one. And at that point, you’ll get some free time. But, what do you do with it? Well, here are 4 ways to make the most out of your down time:

1)      Refresh and plan

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“Sometimes we get so stuck in the grind, we forget why we started the business in the first place. The white space or a quiet place allows you to reconnect with that deeper reason and get back on track,” writes Ekaterina Walter, author of The Power of Visual Storytelling.

Basically, just sit back, relax, and think. Reflect on your goals. Think and analyze about what you have done so far. Strategize, think, and plan out how to improve your work even further.

2)      Find a hobby and get creative

Source: Giphy

“Most of the time our brains are expected to produce solutions or analyze, especially during high priority cases, but during downtime, that is the time that pure creativity can kick in or in some points, we assess how we are moving ahead versus our objectives,” says Arvi Lopex, head of branding and public relations at ALTUS Digital Capital.

Being creative is not just meant for professional artists and creators, it’s for everyone, even engineers. In fact, it’s what makes us human. Use those extra nuts and bolts to create a cool-looking toy or sculpture. Learn how to draw or play an instrument. Sing, dance, or do anything that gets your creative juices flowing.

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3)      Read

Source: Giphy

Learning is something we will always do even when we’re out of school. And the best way to feed that desire to know more about our world is through reading. It’ll not only provide us with ways to further improve our work, but also give us new perspectives on things we never thought of. It’ll challenge our beliefs, and change the way we look at things. Even fiction books can help give us some insight as to what it means to be human. So get any book that piques your interest, and get reading.

4)      Catch up on essential, but not urgent, tasks

Source: Get Web Tips

Every busy day, all we do is spend time finishing urgent tasks. But how about the essential ones that are just left behind? They might not be as urgent, but they’re just as important. Use your free time to think about what your business or company would find essential and good to have. Think of the things that you or your company needs or wants but keep putting off. Catch up on those tasks, because even if you’re doing less, you’re still being productive this way.

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Ways Engineers Can Get Ahead During Downtime

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