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Your Engineering Grades Don’t Define You

But they do matter!

Your grades don’t define you—absolutely! Especially when you’re in engineering school, but they do matter! This is something every engineering student needs to hear.

Source: Giphy

Engineering school is stressful, and I’m sure everyone agrees with me. Not everyone passes their classes and that can either bring us down or try harder. For a lot of students, they would choose the former and try to comfort themselves by saying “your grades don’t define you”. Well, this is true! But so many students have already twisted the TRUE meaning of this statement, and turning it into making us think that grades don’t matter and you don’t need to try too hard in school. I don’t think this is the right mindset.

Grades are important too, they matter. They make you strive harder, and let you see your strengths and weaknesses. They are also a small fraction of what employers look at when you’re applying for a job.

In line with this, I’m not saying you need super high grades to be successful. Reality check, it’s engineering school! Employers don’t only base their preferences on your grades, they also check the organizations you’ve joined, and other extra-curricular activities that may be relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Source: Giphy

So, think of your test scores and marks as a measurement of how much you’ve tried. Your failing marks show your weaknesses and therefore, you should focus more of your time there rather than the subjects you excel at. If you’re an achiever and are used to having high grades and suddenly get a low mark, it may mean that you didn’t try hard enough or you might have done something wrong during that semester that needs improvement.

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Everyone is capable of improvement at school, it just takes some time. Grades are important but they don’t define you, they are just numbers that shows how much you need to improve. You are so much more.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Your Engineering Grades Don’t Define You

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