How Rejection Can Make Us Better Engineering Professionals

Because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Rejection can be one of the most painful parts in life that we have to go through. Being told “It’s not the right time for you” or “Maybe once you have more experience” or even just a simple “No” can really sting.

Nonetheless, we still have to deal with it. We have to learn to deal with the pain, the anger, the anxiety. It’s a part of life, after all, and there’s no way around it no matter how hard you work or how much you sacrificed. But remember, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and as you grow older, you’ll realize that rejection isn’t as bad as it seems. In fact, you can even learn to use it to make you stronger.

Source: Business Insider

Well, how do you take something so painful and use it to make you stronger? How can you come out of it a better person? Well, it all depends on how you handle it, and there are 7 ways you can start off with:

  1. Accept the fact that rejection is part of life. Let that reality sink in. Realize that everyone, even the richest and most successful of us, have gone through it. This’ll help lift some of the pain and anger from it.
  2. Try to ask why you were rejected in the first place. If you can’t, ask yourself that question. Learn from your past mistakes and learn what you should do differently next time.
  3. Don’t think that you will always be rejected.
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Just because one person said “no”, doesn’t mean everyone else will. That job just might’ve not been meant for you.

  1. Find someone you can talk to. Be it your friends or your family members, talking to someone and releasing your feelings can help lift things off of your chest.
  2. Keep yourself busy. Do that thing that you love the most. Keep working. Find a new hobby. It keeps you distracted from the pain whilst showing you a new perspective.
  3. Adjust. Reflect on what you can do better next time. Plan the next step of your journey and draw it out.
  4. Keep on trying.

The only true failure in life is when you give up and stop trying. Keep moving on. Find somewhere else. If you are truly passionate about something, then find someplace else to implement that passion.




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How Rejection Can Make Us Better Engineering Professionals

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