Ways Engineers Can Fight Negativity And Stay Motivated

In a world filled with negativity, here are a few ways to keep your head up

Negativity is all around us. It’s in the stories on the news, it’s in the stress from our jobs, it’s in all those dreams we’re struggling so hard to accomplish. If negativity eats you up, it can make you lose your motivation, lose hope, and suffocate your dreams.

But that doesn’t mean we have to let it eat us up. We all have to go through struggles, and the most successful people in life have gone through the hardest of times. There’s a silver lining to everything, and there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. So in the midst of all this negativity, here are ways we can turn it around.

Source: Science of Imagery

#1 Set reasonable goals

This doesn’t mean we have to give up those big dreams of ours, it’s just that we have to make the amount of time we can do it more reasonable. Saying “I want to start your own engineering firm this month” is too unrealistic. Break it down with the proper plan and timing. For example, purchase the web domain for your new firm on the first month. Grow connections for the next 6 months. Gather resources for the next year, etc. Any task, no matter how simple or how complex, can be broken down. Just give yourself more time.

#2 Control what you can

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Losing control of things can be very scary. It feels like too many things are out of our hands, and that the universe is conspiring against us. But know that there are things in life that you can control. Remember, you can control your own actions and reactions, and when you can’t, you can choose to get help. Your life is always in your hands.

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#3 Learn from the negativity

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Take every negative situation or event and use it as a learning experience. There’s always something to learn from even the most tragic of situations. Learn from your mistakes, and use them to your advantage next time around.

#4 Surround yourself with positivity

Source: Society19

This is the most obvious but often most neglected part of staying positive. Read up on inspiring stories. Learn about your favorite idols and how they went from they overcame their struggles and became successful. Listen to inspiring podcasts or TED talks. Remind yourself that no matter what the situation, if they can overcome it, you can.

#5 Build a support system

There are always, always going to be positive people in your life, even if you think otherwise. You just have to look deeper into who they are. They can be family members, friends, acquaintances, or even someone you met online. Build your own support group. This way you can share your thoughts and feelings freely and support each other when needed.

#6 Wake up on the right side of the bed

“I get my motivational mojo going early in the morning,” writes Shawn Anderson author of Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose.

“As soon as my feet hit the ground, I am not thinking ‘what do I have to do today?’ I am focusing instead on asking myself these questions: What am I excited about? Who can I encourage? What am I grateful for? By changing the first questions in my mind and focusing on empowering thoughts, I set a foundation for my day.”

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#7 Keep on learning

Source: Giphy

“Highly successful people who stay positive are never satisfied with what they already know. They’re often attending lectures, reading or listening to audiobooks and podcasts, and finding new ways to hone their existing skills and pick up new ones,” writes Harvey Deutschendorf, emotional intelligent expert for Fast Company.

“Not only do they have mentors who push them to do better and challenge their ideas, they also tend to mentor others. Being driven by your passions — and surrounding yourself with people on all sides who do the same — is a powerful defense against adversity.”




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Ways Engineers Can Fight Negativity And Stay Motivated

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