What New Engineers Without Experience Should Write on Their Resumes

Here are some things you can do to improve your resume so you can present yourself well even if you lack work experience.

So you’re ready to get your dream job, and you’re super excited to start writing that resume. There’s just one problem: You have zero work experience. Whether you’re shifting into a new career unrelated to your previous field, or a fresh grad with no internships to write on your resume, what can you do to look as qualified as possible?

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Here are some things you can do to improve your resume so you can present yourself well even if you lack experience.

Add Relevant and Transferable Skills

Many resumes begin with relevant work experience or for fresh graduates, education followed by relevant experience. If this is not your strong suit, write down your relevant skills. These are the skills you already have that you feel are suited for the job you are applying for.

Try to analyze the skills you have developed while in school doing academic projects. Are you a leader of an organization in your school? The head programmer in your team projects? Are you well known for being able to deliver a presentation well in class? Try writing all your skills down and summarize them at the beginning of your resume, or after the education section.

Academic Projects

Every engineering student has experienced toiling over loads of projects. These are important and should definitely be included in your resume. If you have any other side projects that you’ve done outside school that you feel gave you the skills to perform the job you’re applying for well, then add them.

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You can present this well in your resume under a “Projects” section. Here, you will write about your project the same way you would for work experiences. Examples of these could be volunteering at a local charity, event organizing, or even commissioned projects.

A Good and Specific Cover Letter

What makes a good and specific cover letter? Its contents are brief, yet complete and gives you a strong presence in a positive way. Put all your writing skills into this one, have it read twice or thrice by people you trust.

Find a way to connect your passions and life experiences with the company, then explain how this will keep you enthusiastically on your feet once you are hired.


These are just a few tips to help you with your job hunting journey. Try to apply some of these tips if not all, then have a friend, family member or professor proofread it for you. I hope this helps. Goodluck!


Article Source:

The Muse

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

What New Engineers Without Experience Should Write on Their Resumes

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