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#LeadersTalk with Energetics, Ridah Sabouni, Managing Director

Ridah Sabouni, MENA Managing Director of Energetics, talks about the renewable energy trends, clean energy innovations and industry expectations.

During the Clean Energy Business Council conference in Dubai, Ridah Sabouni, Middle East & North Africa Managing Director of Energetics (VSE Corporation), one of the most trusted energy consultants based in Washington talks to GineersNow TV about the renewable energy trends, clean energy innovations and 2018 sustainable industry expectations.

About The Leader

Mr. Ridah Sabouni is the Managing Director in the MENA region for the clean energy consultancy, Energetics. Prior to relocating to Dubai in late 2015, Mr. Sabouni spent seven years at the company headquarters in the Washington DC area. His professional areas of expertise include energy efficiency, smart grid, energy management systems, LED lighting, power electronics, industrial technologies, materials science, solar PV, energy storage, energy and innovation policy, energy M&V, blockchain technologies, sustainable transportation, and demand side management.

Mr. Sabouni has supported the development of a variety of clean energy technologies, programs, and energy efficiency best practices. In the United States, he provided strategy, project management and technical analysis consulting support to U.S. government clients including the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office, Building Technologies Office, and Office of Electricity. More recently in the MENA region, Mr. Sabouni has led projects working with clients in Oman, Kuwait, and the UAE.

Mr. Sabouni has a B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of California in Davis and the University of California in Santa Barbara.

About Energetics

Energetics is a leading U.S. based energy and management consultancy that applies its technical, analytical, strategy, communications, and project management expertise and resources to solve complex energy and technology challenges from inception to deployment and beyond. With a mix of engineers, strategists, scientists, business analysts, project managers, and communication specialists, Energetics provides government and commercial clients with consultation services at all stages of the product development lifecycle.

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These services include strategic planning and technology roadmap development, energy analysis and modeling, strategic outreach and communication, metrics and program evaluation, market and technology impact assessment, and program management for technology implementation and deployment. Energetics applies these services across all multiple areas of clean energy expertise, which include climate change/sustainability, critical infrastructure resilience and cybersecurity, energy efficiency and energy management, grid modernization, industrial technologies, renewable energy and transportation technologies. Established in 1979, Energetics is headquartered in the Washington DC area, with offices in Maryland, Washington DC, New York, Washington state, and Dubai (UAE).

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Engr. Amy Aguirre
Civil Engineer, fashion model & GineersNow TV host. Speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese fluently. Based in Melbourne and Manila. Follow me on Linkedin

#LeadersTalk with Energetics, Ridah Sabouni, Managing Director

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