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Free Wi-Fi at Coffee Shop near MIT? Solve this Equation First

Get free Wi-Fi at a coffee shop near MIT by solving an equation.

What was the last thing you did to get free Wi-Fi? Chances are you did something either very boring or something very stupid. Hey, we aren’t here to judge. After all, we’re talking about free Wi-Fi.

A coffee shop has come up with an incredibly innovative way for its patrons get access to free Wi-Fi. Instead of doing something utterly ridiculous and boring, the guys at the coffee shop thought it would be fun for their patrons to solve an equation. Yes, that’s right! Brush up on your math skills before getting a cup of coffee and free internet access.

Source: GIphy
Source: GIphy

Of course, the guys didn’t want just any wannabe to come in and solve the equation. So they went one or rather a few steps further. They gave a calculus equation to solve. For most among us, the very sight of the equation is enough to give a mild heart attack and force us to search for Wi-Fi elsewhere. But we aren’t talking about just any coffee shop. We are talking about a coffee shop that is located close to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Now you know what kind of guys probably end up visiting the shop. Those guys will most certainly not let a puny thing like a complex equation get in their way of free Wi-Fi. So, they solved it or, rather, recognized it. This is where the coffee shop got its laughs. The equation is not really meant to be solved. Instead, it is a formula that denotes a Fourier series. The funny thing is that there have been entire online message boards dedicated to solving the equation. Looks like the coffee shop is run by a bunch of smartasses.

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Of course, if you feeling like knowing the damn equation or don’t care, the guys have generously mentioned the password below. It’s ‘chattime1’. Yes. It doesn’t have any damn thing in common with the equation. But hey! You’re getting free Wi-Fi now!

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Free Wi-Fi at Coffee Shop near MIT? Solve this Equation First

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