Smart Engineers Should Be Proud

Here’s why you must remain to have pride for your critical thinking skills.

(Source: Brett Eldredge)

Smart Engineers

In different countries, a lot of people would prefer to be beautiful and hot than be considered the smart ones. Sometimes, these people would do a lot of stupid things just to impress the folks they hang out with. This includes acting dumb to have the guys think the girl is cute and naive, while guys like to post semi-naked pictures of themselves just to impress the ladies. Unfortunately, this is the society we are living in now. The dumb ones get away with anything while those who show a sign of intelligence are smart-shamed for thinking critically.

Source: Giphy

We see this in high schools and even on colleges. The cool ones don’t want to get caught in the field of STEM in fear of being labelled smart. Later on, as we become adults, appreciating anything related to science and engineering would give us a spot on the boring, nerdy table. Heck, a lot are afraid of pursuing a career on STEM because doing so would be boring and less cool for them.

Source: Treshman

It’s a shame to be honest. Despite having a profession that contributed a lot to the development of human kind, some people would smart-shame engineers for being too smart. For having an opinion on different matters, we’re seen as arrogant for expressing our thoughts. For being an engineer who takes a stand on different issues at work or at our personal lives, we are scrutinized for being opinionated.

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Source: Giphy

But here’s why you must remain to have pride for your critical thinking skills: when others remain to follow the trend, you stand tall for being able to think things through. Engineering school has molded us to fight for what we want and as we head out to the real, tough world, we must show people that being smart is better than dumbing ourselves down to impress people. Engineers have the capability to make things happen, to build the most amazing things one can lay his eyes on and change the way the public perceives things. To be able to manage through life being a smart engineer makes you privileged and it’s your responsibility to show other people to start thinking for themselves too. It is through our critical thinking that we can change the society we live in. If people stop shaming the smart people and start thinking for themselves as well, a lot would stop relying on what’s cool. If people stop smart shaming those who can think for themselves, we actually have a shot at finding the best solutions in today’s society.

Source: Giphy

Stop smart shaming those people who like to be expressive and opinionated, those who speak up and those who are not afraid to showcase what they’re learned.

Smart Engineers in Philippines, Smart Engineers in Asia, Smart Engineers in China, Smart Engineers in India, 

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Smart Engineers Should Be Proud

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